Food Court Musical

We interrupt whatever sane thing you might have been doing to call your attention to a group called ImprovEverywhere.  I found this at the Tales of the Rampant Coyote site, and it is a group that stages large scale improv shows in public places for hidden cameras.  In this one, they have sixteen actors around a food court who spontaneously begin a musical number.  It is really funny and even has some tension at times.  Take a look – and when you are done check out their site.

No Responses to “Food Court Musical”

  1. That was great! I’ve always wondered about doing that sort of thing. Like just try to inspire a musical number out of nowhere. This definitely made my day. Gotta check their site out.

  2. There’s another one where something like 100 people freeze at the same time in crowded Grand Central Station. They stay like that for 5 minutes, lots of people notice, and then BOOM they all start moving again as if nothing happened. Awesome stunt!

  3. I also saw the no pants one. The reactions were great. “Should I look away and respect her privacy or stare right at her and assert my manliness?” That’s basically what seemed to be going through some of the guys heads.

  4. Yeah – there is loads of cool stuff there!

  5. Saw this link through Aaron William’s site, good stuff. I always enjoy getting mobs of people to make strange scenes… go, go the power of the mob!

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