Goodbye George Carlin

If you are of a certain age, you grew up listening to George Carlin records.  You enjoyed his observations and his ironic looks at the crazy things we did with our lives.  If you are of another age, you remember him primarily as Rufus from Bill & Ted and later found that he was a famous comedian from the 70’s.  If you belong to yet another generation you met him as Mr. Conductor on PBS.  If you are of still another generation, you know him as Filmore from Disney/Pixar’s Cars and have probably watched a few YouTube clips of his stuff.  But for anyone across those generations, we today mourn the loss of a voice of intelligence and introspection in an otherwise bawdy form of entertainment.

We get news today that George Carlin died of heart failure yesterday.  He had a history of heart troubles, but complaining of chest pains he headed to the hospital and eventually died of a heart attack at 71.  He will be sorely missed.  Rather than saying anymore, I will just drop in a few quotes … and keeping them family friendly means having to narrow my choices somewhat …

Another word you don’t hear too often is “dingleberries.” You know, you never hear it on Meet the Press. I think it’s because “dingleberries” is one of those words you don’t say too much past your tenth birthday. It’s not a grown-up’s word; it’s a kid’s word. “Dingleberries!” It always sounded kind of Christmas-y to me. Don’t you think it has a holiday ring to it? “Dingleberries.” John, you might want to hang some dingleberries over the front door. Then when Marianne comes over, she can kiss you under the dingleberries! “It is to be devoutly wished . . . that she would kiss me . . . under the dingleberries.”

Honesty may be the best policy, but it’s important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy.

Ever wonder about those people who spend $2 apiece on those little bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backward.

I like Florida. Everything is in the 80’s. The temperatures, the ages and the IQ’s.

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, “Where’s the self-help section? ” She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

If man evolved from monkeys and apes. . . why do we still have monkeys and apes?

What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?

8 Responses to “Goodbye George Carlin”

  1. “Religion has actually convinced people that there’s an invisible man. Living in the sky. Who watches everything you do every minute of every day of your life. And he has a list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any, any, of these ten things, he has a special place full of fire and smoke and ash and torture where he will send you to suffer and burn and scream and cry forever and ever until the end of time.

    … But He loves you.”

    Hey how many of the 7 words can we say at Gamerdad? S*** P*** F*** C*** C******** Mother****** & T***

  2. Nice job Mike.
    Linda just phoned that she heard Carlin’s great “Baseball vs. Football” routine on the radio. I believe my parents were at the Milwaukee show where he famously got arrested for those seven words. Carlin had a foul mouth and he loathed fools and hypocrisy (his hatred of religion shouldn’t offend Christians. Carlin was honest, he simply could not see past some of the evils perpetrated in the name of religion. Admire him for that insight or pity him for not seeing “the light” but don’t mistake the man. He seemed to me a very kind and loving man – with a really clever way skill at being a smartass prick and a fondness for screaming “the emperor has no clothes!”.)

    “And now the hockey scores . . . FANFARE . . . There were no hockey games played tonight.”

    Bye Hippy Dippy Weatherman!

  3. Also, I hope someone makes a joke about “What are we gonna do with all this STUFF” during whatever inheritance meeting takes place.

  4. As a religious person, I was never offended by Carlin. He didn’t seem all that mean about it and any religion that can’t stand a little ribbing isn’t that strong to begin with. He will be missed.

  5. So many quotes from his albums, so few that can actually be mentioned

    Of course there is the HippyDippy Weatherman report
    “If you look at our map, you’ll see we don’t have one”
    “but if you think about yesterdays map, you’ll remember it was dominated by a large Canadian Low… not to be confused for a Mexican High, hu hu hu hu”

    Rest in Peace George, you made listening to your antics on 8-track bearable

  6. Some of the people in my generation have been fortunate enough to have been exposed to his material dating back to seventies, all they way to his more recent live shows. His voice will be greatly missed. It’s important that we have a steady flow of people like Carlin who, in the midst of our mindless routines, are able to look us straight in the face and say “What in the hell are you doing?” or occasionally “You know something people don’t talk about in public anymore? P***y farts.”

  7. Living in South Africa, I only found out about him recently. I have gotten all his video “stuff” and one of his books. Very sad that he should go now. The world is a less objective and silly place without him.

  8. There is much that can be said about George Carlin, and most of it has been said. So I will add a small personal note. My son loved Thomas (or at least did, he is starting to grow out of it) and we have watched just about every DVD at least 100 times over the past few years. I didn’t usually pay to close attention to them until one day I hear this voice that I know. I *KNOW* it is George Carlin narrating the show but don’t believe, can’t believe, that the mast of the 7 dirty words is narrating a “Thomas and Friends” episode. So when the show ends and the credits run and his name comes up I am simply flabbergasted. You could have knocked me over with a feather.

    I mean here is Mr. Dirty Words, Rufus, the Hippy Dippy Weatherman, and all those other characters he played, narrating a children’s show. More mind blowing than a Mexican High.

    Thanks for the laughs George.

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