The Origin of GamerDad, Reprint Issue 3

shazam.jpgI’m a nerd. Which is probably why I this as a weekly feature around the time when GamerDad launched.

Find out what happens when Bub shouts “GAMERDAD!”

Young Andy Bub had a hard life. He had to wait for a 2600 for years while his friends played, his mother never had quarters handy when they were needed, his friend’s superior Intellivision (Baseball!) and later, Collecovision, mocked him. He was stuck with an Apple IIe when Commodore ruled the world. His Atari 5200 died and was never replaced. His dad bought a Turbografix 16, instead of a Genesis or SNES. He bought a Tandy, that had no hard-drive and then X-Wing was released….

But an ancient wizard took pity on him. Noting that little Bub never complained despite these gaming hardships. He summoned him to his remote cave and granted the youth secret powers granted by the finest Game Gods:

G – Garriot & Gygax: the ability to Role-Play
A- Andy Hollis: interest in flight sims
M- Shiguru Miyamoto: love for childlike simplicity in gaming.
E- ESRB: interest in protecting children
R- Reynolds (Brian): love for strategy gaming
D- D&D: Love for Fantasy
A- Atari: Abiding interest in Retro Gaming
D- Doom: For bringing me to the Modern Age of gaming.

When the forces of evil amass, all he needs to do is shout this acronym to transform into GamerDad!

No Responses to “The Origin of GamerDad, Reprint Issue 3”

  1. I love these little looks back in time …

  2. What happened to issue 2?

  3. … apparently GamerDad learned to count from Monty Python and the Holy Grail 😀

  4. Love it! I wish I was that clever. 🙂

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