WhatTheyPlay on TODAY
A couple days ago my friends at What They Play appeared with Meredith Viera on the Today show. The clip is imbedded, but if you follow this link and I recommend you watch it. John’s got a good message – an admittedly familiar one – but he handles himself beautifully. You can also see my editor Zoe Flower in the clip. My favorite moment is when John boasts that WTP has 2000 reviews – 1000 of those are ours, after all (lets forget it took us 4 years to reach that number and they’ve reached it in 10 months). Congratulations guys, keep up the good work! (Note: John clearly understands the relationship between being a GamerParent and sensible but present facial hair.)
July 11th, 2008 at 11:27 am
Wow. That guy is like quoting you or something. Doesn’t that bother you? I mean, nothing he said was original in any way! I know they’re your friends and all but …
July 11th, 2008 at 11:32 am
I don’t think so. I’ve spoken to him and while I think I probably had an influence, he’s got the insight, heart, and understands these issues well.
I’m going to be honest here – I’ve gotten a few letters about it and there’s no sense in ignoring the elephant playing Patapon over in the corner…
Yeah, this stings. A longstanding goal of mine was to appear on the Today show, Good Morning America, or whatever else they show in the morning when I don’t have the TV on . . . it was a landmark. Working for Disney was too, as was the ESRB and PTA jobs. I’ve done radio tours, web videos, lots of speeches…. I’ve been on the BBC, NPR, countless newspapers and local TV in Seattle, Chicago, Philly and Milwaukee.
But after 5 years of trying, I never got on the Today show or it’s equivalents.
So, yeah, sure, it stings. But John isn’t quoting me in this peice. He’s not plagerizing, even if nothing he says is something I haven’t said before – maybe even first. John, from the moment I met him last October, is of like mind. He gets it. That’s why he bought our content, that’s why I do Ask GamerDad.
As it is – and this is official and personal – I’m happy What They Play exists and I like how they’ve taken point on my cause. Employing me, and freeing me up to pursue other ways of helping parents with video games.
July 11th, 2008 at 1:02 pm
Yeah, it is a major double-edged sword: in a geekier forum he could have quick mentioned that there were pioneer sites like GamerDad that were on the leading edge and now WhatTheyPlay has taken on the job, and so on … but in the context of a quick Today chat it wouldn’t have worked … but I would still have liked you to get some extra kudos.
July 11th, 2008 at 3:22 pm
Oh sure, and I did scan their footage for my logo. 😉
The way I see it, they’ve been better to me than they’ve had to be and there’s a bright future if they succeed and survive. Kum-by-yah!
And then there’s the whole “take it easy after the heart attack” thing to consider as well. Let them prove my case, see what I can do with that.