Ask GamerDad 9/26/08
Posted on September 29th, 2008 by
This week we balance homework and chores with sex and violence. It’s fun to be a parent. Presenting: The most recent Ask GamerDad!
This week we balance homework and chores with sex and violence. It’s fun to be a parent. Presenting: The most recent Ask GamerDad!
September 29th, 2008 at 8:13 am
I have a generic issue with ‘turning down the gore’ as a means to somehow make a game like ‘Soldier of Fortune’ more acceptable. I think it misses the point – the core of that game is going place to place and killing all sorts of human enemies as violently as possible. Blood or no blood it is a nasty and violent game. I am one who think that ultra-violence with blood removed really decontextualizes the killing and is worse than spurting blood everywhere.