This Week in Games: November 2 – 8
With another massive list of new games this week, there is once again something for everyone! While perhaps not as massive as last week, there are some big games this week – from Gears of War 2, and Resistance 2 to the multiplatform release ofTom Clancy’s End War that includes an interesting turn-based game for the DS and PSP. Check out the rest of the list!
- Gears of War 2
- Tom Clancy’s End War
- Secret Service: Ultimate Sacrifice
- James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace
- Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
- Namco Museum Virtual Arcade
- Legendary
- History Channel Civil War: Secret Mission
- Resistance 2
- Valkyria Chronicles
- Tom Clancy’s End War
- History Channel Civil War: Secret Mission
- Naruto Ultimate Ninja: Storm
- James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace
- Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
- Legendary
- James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace
- Pop Star Guitar
- Movie Games
- Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
- Rubik’s World
- Monster Lab
- Bratz Kidz: Slumber Party
- Petz Sports
- North American Hunting Adventure
- Game Party/Cruis’n
- History Channel Civil War: Secret Mission
- Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World
- Monster Lab
- Pop Star Guitar
- Secret Service: Ultimate Sacrifice
- Onimusha Essentials
- James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace
- Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
- Think Fast with 4 Controllers
- NHL 09
- Tom Clancy’s End War
- Tom Clancy’s End War
- Exit
- Pony Friends: Mini Breeds Edition
- Princess on Ice
- Winx Club: Mission Enchatix
- Imagine: Wedding Designer
- Goosebumps Horrorland
- futureU: The Prep Game for SAT
- Hello Kitty Daily
- My Baby Girl
- Theresia
- My Baby Boy
- Monster Lab
- Real Soccer 2009
- Petz: Dogz Pack
- Dragonball: Origins
- Imagine: Interior Designer
- James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace
- Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
- Zoo Vet: Endangered Animals
- Guitar Rock Tour
- Dora the Explorer: Dora Save the Snow Princess
- Little Red Riding Hood’s Zombie BBQ
- CSI: New York
- Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
- Guitar Hero III/Aerosmith Bundle
- Realms of Arcadia Trilogy
- Petz Sports
- Space Trader
- Operation Mania
- James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace
As for last week’s games, Fallout 3 has proven to be an excellent addition to the classic franchise, and one that will likely be the source of debate for years to come. LittleBigPlanet has been very popular, but whether or not it is the system seller some predicter remains to be seen.
Enjoy gaming!
November 2nd, 2008 at 12:59 pm
Namco Museum Virtual Arcade is a must buy for me. I may look into Dragonball Origins and Little Red Riding Hood’s Zombie BBQ, too. I played it at PAX. –Cary
November 2nd, 2008 at 1:32 pm
:looks up from Fallout 3-induced stupor:
Whaaaa…? New games? We don’t need no stinkin’ games!
:goes back to Fallout 3:
November 2nd, 2008 at 4:46 pm
I am not that crazy about Fallout, so I am taking a break and may get back to it. Far Cry 2 is fun, but EndWar is very tempting. Resistance 2 looks great, but I may wait until after Christmas.
November 2nd, 2008 at 8:00 pm
I didn’t care for the endwar demo. It felt slow and bare. Only fun thing is the WMD you can do.
November 3rd, 2008 at 9:57 am
How is gameplay for End War on consoles? I am looking at either the DS or PSP version as they offer Advance Wars style strategic play that I really enjoy.
November 3rd, 2008 at 10:03 pm
Endwar for the consoles is a great game, only if you are very much into strategy games. It plays out more like overhead COD4 than an RTS like Starcraft.
For me, I have already pre-ordered Endwar and Gears 2 so the wait is almost over for me!