GD Keynote: Reviewed Part 2

The American Library Association’s Official Gaming Blog posted a summary review of my keynote: “Andrew Bub, parent and game reviewer and creator of the site Gamer Dad  promised that by the end of the session we would all be gamers. He built on comments from our other kyenote speakers: that everytime a new art form enters our media, hysteria ensues. Movies, horror comics, rock & roll, even penny dreadfuls etc. The video game discussion always seems to boil down to violent or catharsis? Perhaps Nintendo did a disservice by promoting the concept that video games are for kids.”GD: Again, thank you kindly ALA – I recommend clicking in. It’s a great summary.

No Responses to “GD Keynote: Reviewed Part 2”

  1. Congrats on the good press and the good presentation.

    You made a good complement to the cases studies in “Grand Theft Childhood” presenting and supporting the argument from a different and equally important angle. Hopefully you and the rest of the speakers gave librarians additional understanding and fodder to help advocate and sustain gaming programs at their libraries.

    I sat next to a number of people who were taking notes, granted it was a librarian convention, but notes = talking points for those back in their home libraries.

    Congrats and thank you GamerDad.

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