Snow Day

The kids are watching a movie upstairs, their mom is home today, and so am I, for we are housebound by a couple feet of the stuff pictured on the left. A snowday! Boy were my kids happy. Henry immediately and has repeatedly asked to play games today – and we will – once Linda is through with her baking. It’s a wonderful day at the GamerDad house. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

No Responses to “Snow Day”

  1. No snow in Texas! Thank goodness, I don’t like the cold. –Cary

  2. We got about a foot (still snowing just a bit). Kids had no school – and now they don’t have to be back until Jan 5th! I worked half day and took a very slow ride home.

  3. You lucky yanks! No snow in Britain. Plenty of rain but no snow.

    Also, what the hell’s happened to ask gamerdad? It’s been ages since the last one.

  4. We got about 10 or so inches and school was cancelled. Since my wife is a teacher, she got the day off.

  5. 2 hr delay turned into no school.

    My honors physics class gets their final postponed until January 6th… good luck to them… 🙂

  6. I got a early release but it didn’t snow until after the time we would have gotten out anyway. nice for a change of pace though. No real classes. Couple of study periods and dodgeball in gym. YAY! I also smartly brought my psp which I don’t usually do so I got through a couple long songs like 2112.

  7. I’m in Madison, so we got hit with the same storm, also closing schools.

  8. Lucky ducks. Im in florida, and it’s gonna be 80 degrees on christmas!

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