Hasbro Game Night & Monopoly

I’m told that in Germany, they have a weekly game night, These mostly involve ancient games of cards and extremely complicated board games. Hasbro wants people playing games again, specifically their games, and to that end they’ve released new versions of their old classics. Battleship, Connect Four, Sorry and Boggle to celebrate the release of the Wii version of Battleship, Connect Four, Boggle and… oh, Sorry.

The Wii version plays exactly like you’d expect. Really this is only good for true board game fans. These games are built for fun single player game. Henry summed it up thus: “I wanna play the real one (the board game) instead! I suppose that’s a win all around for Hasbro.

I also tried out the Wii version of Monopoly, a game that has the distinction of coming out at a poetic time (the board game was invented during the Depression). This isn’t the first videogame Monopoly but it is the first for the Wii. Gesturing to move and roll dice is fun but the controls can be clumsy. Wii Monopoly, mainly because you have better control of how long the game lasts and because your Wii handles the banking for you.

I recommend Monopoly and Hasbro Game Night. The latter ONLY if you don’t have the real boardgames. My kids still prefer boardgames to most videogames and that’s the way it should be. Want to learn more about board games? Eyes left and then down, look for UNPLUGGED.

No Responses to “Hasbro Game Night & Monopoly”

  1. We have been doing Saturday night home made pizza and board games at my house for a couple years now. Our favorites are Uno attack, tri-onamos and sequence. However my oldest son would play Monopoly in his sleep if he could! Nothing replaces a table full of peole yelling and cheering each other on to either victory or defeat. Nothing else replaces human interaction either.

    Blessings, Beth Ann

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