Back in Aught Nine . . .

A very happy New Year from GamerDad and Family. Henry Bub (5) wanted everyone here to know something VERY important to him. Go ahead Henry, say what you’ve got to say: “Thanks Daddy, I want to tell them that I got 1st place on Moo Moo Meadows and my dad got 2nd place!” I smiled and gave him a high five. “I beat the GamerDad! Haha!” Ooookay, lets not rub it in son.  Suffice it to say Mario Kart Wii, with steering wheel attachment, is a perfect game for kids over 7. Sometimes a 5 year old can handle it, but I think it takes a special one. New Years resolutions? Well, I want 09 to be better than 08 and much better than 07. I’m looking forward to seeing what a recovered and energetic GamerDad can accomplish. I’ve accomplished so much already while being so sick in so many ways. But I’m back. Good luck to you in the New Year. Keep it at GamerDad. It’ll just get better and better. Specially for you under 15’s out there.

No Responses to “Back in Aught Nine . . .”

  1. HAPPY NEW YEAR GAMERDAD AND FRIENDS! 2009 sould be awesome!

  2. It’ll be a great year. Andy has his head on straight, perspective has been reached, and the heart attack is past. He knows what he wants to do and I, and you, support him 100 percent. Thanks for standing by us during our most horrible time in life – almost losing Andrew at 36 – and made it a fun and productive year. Good luck in -09 and I should be around more to celebrate it.

  3. I know it sounds silly but I got teary last year. Glad it turned out. Oh, btw, so long as GD doesn’t get mad at me… let me say… you are wicked CUTE girl! Beautiful family all around. Keep up the good work.

  4. So cool that you post GamerMom. I jpoined up cause of but stayed for GamingwithChildtren.. I don’t think I’ll leave. I can’t wait to hear what Andrew has planned

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