GamerMom: The Update
As some of you know, and the rest can read a little further down the page, Linda, the GamerMom, twisted her knee real bad while at the world famous Rollero roller rink (of Cudahy, WI) while falling on her daughter. Basically Maggie and her skates became locked and Linda fell in a way that hurt her, but left Maggie unscathed. Maggie’s looking forward to skating again, so that’s all good, and Linda is getting used to being a patient. This is a very big deal.
I may have modeled GamerDad after Superman but it’s my wife who is the superhuman one. She deals with stress by doing chores, she loves her work and being the Director of an important study, she loves caring for people, and her main hobby is cooking. (Yeah, AND I get free videogames.)
The good news is that she basically dislocated her kneecap and stretched a minor ligament. So we’re looking at a couple weeks rather than the 8 or so required for surgery. But the really good news is that this has forced the kids into doing their chores and me into picking up all the slack. My wife is a caregiver so our dynamic changed a bit with my heart attack surgery recovery. She held the family together, I got better. Now the shoe is on the other foot – sorta – and I’m in charge. Also Linda was heading toward a stress breakdown eventually. It’s been some year. This knee problem is bad but it’s forcing her to take it easy, rest, and I think the result will be a more effective Linda at work.
PS: It’s also helped shake my depression. Oh and I learned that Horror and gore can provide catharsis to personal pain but you know what is even more devastating than the most brutal trap in Saw? United 93. I skipped it because I didn’t want to know more about 9/11. I watched it last night and I cried the entire time. Where’s my desensitization? Huh? I’ve watched fake murder and torture for months now but it had no impact. United 93 devastated me.
You know why? Because United 93 was real. Those endless goodbyes via cell phones to loved ones were real. Some of them were direct quotes. Now that’s a real horror movie.
January 21st, 2009 at 2:37 pm
*faints again*
January 21st, 2009 at 3:26 pm
Hi everyone
Doing well, Andrew and the kids are doing a great job taking care of me. My leg will get better but having to take it easy for a few weeks and not work so much and run myself ragged is probably a good thing…
I will rollerskate again someday but at this point it will be a long time! Just glad Maggie is OK!
January 21st, 2009 at 3:54 pm
Is this Bizarro Bub? When is “The good news is that she basically dislocated her kneecap” ever going to be a positive?
Here’s to a speedy recovery, Linda!
January 23rd, 2009 at 11:39 am
In the long run, this is a good thing. Not that it is ever good for someone to get hurt, that is bad. But it is good for the Mom to take a break on occasion, and I am not talking about a day at the spa. This type of extended “break” from the routine will allow everyone to learn and grow and become better people.
GamerMom will learn how to delegate, relax, and slow down and see life differently.
GamerDad and GamerKids will learn how to take care of someone who is “handicapped” and has limited mobility. They will also learn how to do a ton of different chores around the house that GamerMom usually takes care of, learn to appreciate all the things she does (because not matter what, Moms are *NEVER* fully appreciated). And most importantly for the kids, they will learn at an early age that the world does not actually revolve around them and their needs. 🙂
It might also get GamerMom to play more video games once her brain starts to melt from watching daytime tv.
That said, I wish you a speedy and full recovery, before the good intentions of GamerDad and GamerKids go too far and destroy the house in an attempt to make you a fancy dinner or something…. 🙂
January 24th, 2009 at 10:55 am
Thanks Rich N and Mike… It has been hard but definitely good for me! Thanks for the well wishes =)
January 31st, 2009 at 10:06 am
Best wishes to the entire family for a quick and easy recovery.
GamerMom, you must listen to your doctors and therapists and do exactly as they say. Do not, I repeat, do not, try to get up and around and to do more than they advise you to do. Trust me, I’ve done it and all I accomplished was setting my recovery schedule back. Relax, do the therapy exercises when appropriate, and be assured that your fabulous family will take care of you, themselves and the house. Then, when you’re completely recovered and you’re out roller skating with the kids (and GamerDad?) you’ll look back on this time and remember that you all did just fine, and you’ll be thankful that you have the ability and the mobility to be skating again.Take it easy, and keep your blog fans updated
on your progress.