Superbowl Thoughts
Ah, Superbowl XXVIIVXX. Everyone talks about the advertisements, which strikes me as a coup for advertisers, especially in this day and age. Did you know this (caution: veggies + sexy) PeTA ad was rejected by NBC but they apparently had no problem advertising that Friday the 13th remake. I have a 6 and an 8 year old thanks and you know what? I find sexy stuff easier to explain to them than why people like to watch hockey-masked killers. Luckily they don’t pay much attention to ads. I’m not arguing that the PeTA ad is appropriate, I’m arguing that the horror movie isn’t. Also PeTA probably never wanted this ad aired. Much cheaper to have everyone YouTube it to “see what the controversy is.” Congrats if you just did that above . . .
The other ad I noticed and loathed was the one from Pepsi. It shows older icons and current “equivalents” – for example, Pepsi wants you to know that “Will.I.Am” is your generation’s Bob Dylan. “My Humps, My Bumps, My Lovely Lady Lumps” vs. “Gonna get lowdown/gonna fly high/all the truth in the world adds up to one big lie.” They also compare Belushi to Jack Black, which is insulting because the only thing those two have in common are weight problems.
I find this insulting – but I’m turning 38 this year. I’m no longer in Pepsi’s demographic so I’m sure the fact that I was offended means the ad was doing it’s job. I urge Generation Download (I just coined that) to search for better equivalents (and to listen to some Dylan).
Oh! If only there was some technology that made sampling music easier!
Budweiser’s Clydesdales are no longer cute and this friendship with the Dalmatian “storyline” is dipping a bit into Joe Camel territory. I know these ads aren’t targeting me. My wife is apathetic to them too (though she liked them when the campaign was fresh a few years back). But my kids love ’em and have been asking me about Budweiser. I can’t help them. See, I like beer. . .
Bruce Springsteen was truly “The Boss” and that performance actually rivaled Prince’s supernatural rainstorm of a few years ago. I especially liked seeing the man do a powerslide into a cameraman. And react as if that’s hilarious. Given that the National Anthem and “America the Beautiful” were lip synched by their “artists” I think the E Street Band showed them how it’s done.
The game itself was a lot of fun but it kinda felt to me like both teams didn’t deserve to be there. Some of the stars did, mind you (Fitzgerald), but the teams didn’t.
I missed the other commercials and that’s fine by me because I’m pretty sure I don’t want their products. Oh and hey Pepsi? While you’re here.
Who is this generation’s “Boss”?
It’s a town fulla losers! I’m pulling outta here to win!
February 3rd, 2009 at 8:33 pm
As a hunter, I loathe PETA and their nasty tactics, but they do know how to advertise. The MSM showed enough of the ad, so I had no need to go to Youtube. I agree that it isn’t any worse than the Friday the 13th ad, but I don’t see that double standard going anywhere soon.
I am not a huge Springsteen fan, but that was probably the best halftime show I can remember. I would also say that the Boss is still putting out good music, so he is this generation’s Boss, too. I don’t see anyone else out there that can write and perform the way he does. He is one of a kind.
February 3rd, 2009 at 9:32 pm
I find those “equivalents” insulting too. I mean, I’m a belushi fan and a jack black fan and they both are good actors (well in JB’s case I like his band) on their own merit. I will admit I’m not a huge dylan fan, but I had a scarring experience with an english teacher that is a huge fan. I will also say, his songs are very good in a poetic sense. I think I’ll try to think of some GOOD equivelants, but it might be difficult since I pretty much like all older things (they’re new to me, new stuff is old to me in a sense. That might be why I like older movies and classic rock. Or just because it’s awesome…).
February 3rd, 2009 at 10:00 pm
It is all part of the new relativity – anything you *think* is good is therefore absolutely as good as things heralded for decades or centuries. Which explains why hacnkeyed people with thngs barely distinguishable from each other ans stuff done decades ago with little to no inherent skill are selling millions of records – and since ‘making money’ gives you the right to claim talent …
February 4th, 2009 at 8:22 am
See, I liked that Pepsi commercial. Not because I agree with or liked the comparisons, but because I thought it was well done and creative. It tried to do something other than use sex, fear, or childish humor. Which is rare these days. I kinda liked the Coke commercial with Troy Pomalalu, the tribute to the Mean Joe Green commercial was nice.
GoDaddy had 2 commercials, both with additional footage on their website. The shower one was funny in that sophomoric college way, but the “enhanced” one was just plain stupid. The Audi commercial was pretty good. I think the best commercials were the movie trailers. I don’t like Star Trek but that trailer got me thinking that I might want to see this new movie.
As for the game, it was good. It had everything a SuperBowl should have: last minute heroics, close game, back and forth leads, but it also had way to many penalties. Way to many. And I am sorry, last years game was better, I don’t care what they say. And I don’t just say this because I am a Giants fan either. 🙂
February 4th, 2009 at 1:38 pm
Why can’t they just play the pepsi commercial that has My Genaration played in the background? I mean, they change it depending on the decade they are portraying, but I love the who…
February 4th, 2009 at 3:28 pm
Generation download. I like it. You better copyright that asap.