Game Review: Ultimate Band (DS)
Game Review: Boogie: SuperStar (Wii)
Goodnight Moon
This is one of my favorite children’s books … I remember the countless times reading it aloud to each of our kids, and occasionally to both of them together. It is a wonderful tale that combines consciousness of surroundings and simply saying goodnight to everything, something kids already want to do. Yet before we get too swept up in the whimsy, this is not about that great classic story – it is about me completing and sending away the recently released DS game Moon.
RPGWatch: The Whole Game in My Hand #12 (Part 1)
Late in 2005 some friends at RPGDot came to me with the idea to do summary articles on the state on RPG gaming on the major handhelds. The release of the DS and particularly the PSP had intrigued many RPG fans who were not interested in consoles (wait, that sounds like me!), and so I put together three articles – one for the GBA, one for the DS and the last one for the PSP. The articles were very well received and when RPGWatch launched late in 2006, I was asked to update the state of handheld RPG’s once more. That is how ‘The Whole Game in My Hand’ was born.
Beware the Ides of Feb . . . ?
“Ides” means the 15th and you should all “beware” of it because it marks the day that began buying YOUR stories about YOUR kids and games – or YOURSELF and video games. How will I “buy” them? Well, you’ll get your name and story made famous and I’ll link the story to the game maker. But I’ll also give you a FREE GAME! more…
Superbowl Thoughts
Ah, Superbowl XXVIIVXX. Everyone talks about the advertisements, which strikes me as a coup for advertisers, especially in this day and age. Did you know this (caution: veggies + sexy) PeTA ad was rejected by NBC but they apparently had no problem advertising that Friday the 13th remake. I have a 6 and an 8 year old thanks and you know what? I find sexy stuff easier to explain to them than why people like to watch hockey-masked killers. Luckily they don’t pay much attention to ads. I’m not arguing that the PeTA ad is appropriate, I’m arguing that the horror movie isn’t. Also PeTA probably never wanted this ad aired. Much cheaper to have everyone YouTube it to “see what the controversy is.” Congrats if you just did that above . . .
Super Bowl Commercials Poppin’ In Der Face…In 3-D!
Well Sunday night I did what millions of others did and watched the Super Bowl (I wouldn’t be surprised if they declared it a national holiday soon). I’m not really big into football, but I can get into a good game every now and then. Being in high school marching band got me accustomed to that.
Game Review: Big Bang Mini (DS)
GamerMom Update
GamerMom Update: DAY 17: As you know, GamerMom fell and twisted her knee while attempting to rollerskate. What this means is that GamerMom – the bread-winner, care-taker, home maker, all-around-great gal, pants wearer of this family – now has to be served. And the kids and I are torturing her as much as we can.
The Cold Boy
This morning I got a reminder of how simple mistakes can have severe consequences. I dropped my kids off at school and on the way home I was shocked to see a boy, age 8, not wearing a coat, not wearing shoes, holding his hands up to stop traffic. Shocked because it was 18 degrees. A lady and I pulled over immediately (other people merely passed him by). The boy seemed dazed, had some scuffs and scratches and seemed scared.