Riddle me this, GamerDad – Game Choice

Cn u mk btr logo?

Cn u mk btr logo?

About 40% of the questions answered at my Ask GamerDad column come through this website. Some of them are too “aimed at me” for me to use. So, Riddle me this, GamerDad – a tale of two games!

“Hi Gamerdad

I watch a movie on YouTube that you write reviews and all sorts. I just wanted to know of which game to pick and to have your opinion. I was going to pick Need for Speed Undercover but i got no money for another game. I wanted to see if to buy that game or The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emporer.”


A wise gamer knows that a licensed game – a game taken from a book, film, TV show, etc., – almost invariably sucks. There are exceptions to this rule but they probably don’t apply to a B-rated movie product like the Mummy 3. Therefore I recommend Need for Speed: Undercover as the wiser purchase. Drive Safe!

No Responses to “Riddle me this, GamerDad – Game Choice”

  1. Answer? Neither.

    They’re both either horrible or thoroughly mediocre games.

  2. I also think there is a point at which these ‘franchises’ become licenses unto themselves and should be looked upon as such.

  3. Yeah, but you’d really have to play much of the franchise itself to have any confidence in taking that view. To a large percentage of the populace, NFS: U is a really fun game. To the NFS fan, it’s mediocre and compromises make the game painful. Meanwhile the game based on the Mummy is just plain terrible – on an objective level .

  4. My son is in love with the PSP version of the game and doesn’t care where it falls within the franchise. My point is that when you have games like Madden or NFS or whatever, if you already own an entry in the series you need to approach new ones carefully in terms of both your vested interest and the value proposition.

  5. I’m struck by the ability of very patient people to read and actually reply to emails this poorly written. As a school teacher I’m constantly emailed by parents, and I’m bound by my profession to respond to each of them. But if I wasn’t, I promise you many would get an automatic Shft-Del. Of course, maybe English isn’t his first language — which in that case would be very understandable. But with texting and MyFace destroying my students’ ability to write coherently, I just find most days I can’t tolerate it.

    Well answered, sir!

  6. I understand what you’re saying Infinitewell, but we actually had a conversation in my history class on the matter. One of the assignments we have is to make an outline of a court case and a girl honestly couldn’t understand how she was supposed to make an incomplete sentence. She later admitted that she texts in complete sentences too. I found this pretty funny because I have a lot of friends im me liek dis al teh tiem.

  7. Fear not Infinitewell! I definitely believe the emailer wasn’t a native speaker/writer.

    So why didn’t I fix it? I dunno, I like the way it sounds. I love writing – even though grammar often strives mightily against me – but I love speech too, I’m a sucker for books written with the accent in place.

    And don’t forget your history. Pre-Internet the written word really was pretty much dead for most people. Frankly it’s amazing that people are using such retrograde technology. I mean, texting is a step up from Morse Code but telephone is more impressive. I credit that to cost of texting -and- that in a world without privacy – texting is unobtrusive.

    Anyway, I usually credit the slop and slang to the fact that most people aren’t using a keyboard. They’re doing it with the three letters – old phone style!

  8. I don’t know gamerdad, I talk to people on the computer through things like AIM and I do get horribly, horribly ugly writing. “idk, y dnt u tipe liek dis?” they say. And I reply “because it takes me just as long to type like this.” I still agree, those old style phone buttons and even smaller keyboards make things difficult.

  9. Well, I do known this, the generation that most makes fun of the generation that txts like that used to IM and before that Email in L33t speak to the frustration of my old school editors and profs.

    And so it goes…

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