Aw, that’s too bad that you took down the video. I was hoping to watch it after work. I think these video reviews with your kids is kind of neat.
When I was younger and the very first SimCity first came out on the PC and SNES, I was kind of into it for a while. When the Wii first game out, the SNES SimCity game was one of the first on the virtual console, so I downloaded it and little brother Jeff really liked it, too. So much so that he bought SimCity 4 for the PC and really got into that. One of my other little brothers, Jared, who is about Jeff’s age, did a school competition involving SimCity games a while back, too. –Cary
GamerDad April 9th, 2009 at 2:54 pm
I’ll do this one again and I plan on doing this one, maybe two, times a month. I’m comfy with them looking amateurish for now but this one was too much me telling her/reminding her what to say. I’ll have another Maggie one for you tomorrow morning Cary – Promise!
April 8th, 2009 at 8:10 pm
April 9th, 2009 at 4:44 am
Aw, that’s too bad that you took down the video. I was hoping to watch it after work. I think these video reviews with your kids is kind of neat.
When I was younger and the very first SimCity first came out on the PC and SNES, I was kind of into it for a while. When the Wii first game out, the SNES SimCity game was one of the first on the virtual console, so I downloaded it and little brother Jeff really liked it, too. So much so that he bought SimCity 4 for the PC and really got into that. One of my other little brothers, Jared, who is about Jeff’s age, did a school competition involving SimCity games a while back, too. –Cary
April 9th, 2009 at 2:54 pm
I’ll do this one again and I plan on doing this one, maybe two, times a month. I’m comfy with them looking amateurish for now but this one was too much me telling her/reminding her what to say. I’ll have another Maggie one for you tomorrow morning Cary – Promise!