Bookworm Adventures 2
Bookworm,’s awesome little wordsearch game, is now $2.99 at the Apple App store. If you have an iPhone or Touch, you need this app. I’ve been playing it constantly and my daughter (9) likes it too. But I’m really here to talk about Bookworm Adventures 2, PopCap’s clever little take on word search prowess with vague RPG/Adventure elements.
It’s the perfect kids game with serious adult appeal. Using a Boggle like box you have to click letters to form words 3-letters or longer. No bad words allowed, but some fun ones like Butt and Penis are allowed. Based on the letter usage and length you do damage to your enemy. They do damage to you using a series of attacks specific to each monster. Special tiles are poisonous to your foe, some do extra damage and some are locked or change randomly each turn. The last game focused on mythology – and is a bargain now – this one on Fairy Tales, Lewis Carroll’s famous Alice adventures, and more.
Simple, straightforward and educational – all with that PopCap quality sheen. The price is $19.99 but the game is gigantic, still after the iPhone App prices I think these games at these prices are going to have to change.
Back to school? Given an advantage. Best for 9 and up.
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