EA Active & GamerMom
We were at a local GameStop. I had enough trade in value to buy everybody a game. I picked up Tekken 6 + special controller, Henry picked Mario & Sonic Olympic Winter Games for DS, Maggie picked My Sims Party for DS, and GamerMom? Her first chance to just BUY a game. Indulge in her curiosity? What does SHE buy? EA Active. An excercise game for the Wii. Here’s her take!
I was looking for an in home workout that would challenge me. I usually walk but it gets harder to do when the weather gets cold and slippery in Wisconsin. So we got EA Active. I gave it a try and I LOVE IT! It is the hardest workout I’ve ever used. I usually give partial effort during a workout. Yes, I’m admitting it. EA Active is like having a personal trainer in the room with me. My trainer will wait for me or I have to do it over again if I start to flake out. I chose the male coach (he’s pretty cute) and I have to admit that I like the encouragement he gives during and after the workout.
The features include a 30 day challenge that your coach will pick out the workout. You will workout 2 days in a row, then off one to rest. You can pick the intensity of the workout, easy/medium/hard. You can also choose the music type. When you start the game, you create your profile and choose your avatar. Mine looks very much like me and it’s fun to see me on the screen!
When I first used Active, Henry would do the workout with me. I loved that it is the time in the day that Henry and I are the only ones awake. He thought it was hilarious that I was on the screen. He would use dumbbells when I used the elastic band. It was a great experience doing the workout with Henry. I say that in past tense because he’s not as interested anymore.
Other tidbits about Active, you don’t need the Wii balance board but you can use it for some of the challenges. It includes a band on your leg for the nunchuck. Don’t wear slippery pants, it will fall off during the kick boxing!! You can also choose your own workouts and not do the 30 day challenge. I am still doing the 30 day challenge (had a sinus infection and my injury on my left leg flared up a little) but will be looking forward to trying it out. If you are a serious workout person, this may not be a big challenge for you.
This workout has been really fun and it really has been a great motivator to keep me active (wink) and working out.
This is a ringing endorsement folks. Linda used to be a kind of collector of excercise videos. Tai Bo, Yoga Booty Ballet and others. She knows her excercise. Until now she was in with Wii Fit and then the Wii Fit Plus. But now? It’s EA Active. Bet there’s a sequel coming … better stock up on GameStop money.
November 18th, 2009 at 1:56 pm
I read Tekken 6 at the beginning, so I want to know about that one. I loved the character customization in Soul Calibur 4, and I wanted to know how good it was in Tekken 6. –Cary
November 18th, 2009 at 2:01 pm
Thanks for posting this GamerDad!! I really do like the workout. I’m trying to use the Wii Fit Plus and EA active to get fit. Will try to keep you posted on this.
November 18th, 2009 at 6:06 pm
I haven’t seen any customization, but then again I’ve never played a Tekkan before. I’m using the stick for Street Fighter 4.
November 18th, 2009 at 11:00 pm
A good friend uses EA Active to work out as well. He really enjoys it and agrees that it is a much better workout than Wii Fit.
I like that it has some resistance (rubber band thingy, barbells) to actually push the muscles a bit…
November 19th, 2009 at 6:38 am
The elastic bands can hurt my hands sometimes but it works well in general. I finished the 30 day challenge this morning. I didn’t finish on time but met the other two goals. I like that you can see your calories that you burn and the time. The time is longer with the high intensity but me knee can’t always do the high intensity. It has really kept me motivated. Let’s see how it works over the holidays 🙂