Christmas Eve/Morning
I’ve got a nine-year old girl and a 6 year old boy and both are deadset convinced Santa is real. This makes sense, right parents, because Santa is real. Right? Okay then. My point is my kids went to bed at 9pm and my wife and I did our thing at 1AM and we went to bed then and Santa did his thing at around 1:30am. I still lay awake. Linda woke up and then both kids. Nobody knows why we all woke up like that – it was 4:30AM for the love of Mario! So we openeed presents at 4:30AM. GamerDad now has Left4Dead 2 and (with sidetrips a venture into called Silent Hill) a few other games demanding his attention As for Mom and the kids, well GamerDad is defnitly getting a bit more sleep this Christmass! Like a nap, like now. Like parents are coming for dinner. Like a nap. Like NOW. And to all a good night.
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