BlizzCon 2010 – Kid Report

For the past few years, we’ve sent our very own Aiden (and his mom) out to cover BlizzCon, the gaming convention of all things Blizzard, for GamingWithChildren. BlizzCon 2010 was held just last month, and here’s what Aiden had to day about the event.

October 23, 2010 was a day I will remember. That day was the day I went to Blizzcon ’10! I had a lot of fun playing demos for Starcraft II, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm and Diablo III, as well as watching interesting panels and tournaments on these games

I got to the convention a little early so, after signing in and picking up a cool bag ‘o swag, I went to the press room in search of food. You always start a day with breakfast. My breakfast at Blizzcon was bagels, doughnuts, danishes, sodas and fruit juice! When I finished breakfast it was just about time for the doors to open!

Swarms of thousands of excited gamers, some in costume, flooded the Anaheim Convention Center! The con took up the entire first floor of the Anaheim Convention Center. I started out in hall D, the main stage, to watch the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Cinematics Panel. During the panel the speakers talked about making the trailers and new additions to the game. I found it interesting to hear what Blizzard was doing and how they were doing it, for example the giant tidal wave that goes though Booty Bay and the flood of Thousand Needles as well as the occasional joke or Movie demonstration.

After the panel I headed down to hall A for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Using my press pass I skipped the three and a half hour line and went in the exit. I was seated immediately and I played as the Worgen for two and a half hours. It was a lot of fun playing a character that I wouldn’t really start for another three months!

The Warcraft demo I played was awesome! They revealed the level 1-5 section for Worgen and Goblin, which wasn’t there last year. The game itself was fun and riveting, I was there for hours and had a really good time.

After playing Warcraft, I headed up to the Press Room for lunch. The lunch was a sandwich, an apple, a macaroni salad, a bag of chips, a cookie and a mint. After lunch I headed back down to play Starcraft II.

The expansion I played wasn’t the actual game of Starcraft. It was a mini-game like demo called Auir Chef, modeled after Iron Chef. At first, I was sort of disappointed that is wasn’t the regular game, but soon I found it to be a lot of fun. I liked the exploration of the area. You had to find the ingredients for the recipes and then create the dishes to earn points.

After Starcraft,I left hall B and headed to hall C for Diablo III, stopping on the way to put my name on the Graffiti Wall Blizzard constructed. After signing the names of my Warcraft characters, I headed to Diablo III. I got to try out the new class called the Demon hunter! I found it fun to play as a class similar to that of my Warcraft character.

When I started playing I thought that my mom and I were by ourselves in the dungeon, but was suspicious about the fact that there were no enemies. I soon realized we were part of a group that had a head start.The Demon Hunter class was a lot of fun. Is is a ranged class that uses dual crossbows and has abilities that increase damage and summersault behind opponents. She reminded me of my favorite Warcraft character, a hunter.

After playing Diablo for a few hours and finishing the demo, I headed back upstairs for dinner. There was rice, chicken, assorted breads and a salad. They even had desert, ranging from cake and tarts to eclairs and lemon bars!

Afterwards I headed back downstairs just in time to receive a free book, Arthus, Rise of the Lich King, by Christie Golden. I caught the EPIC Tenacious D concert. And just before I left I popped back into the Cataclysm to play a goblin.

On October 23, 2010, I had an awesomely epic time at Blizzcon from the food and free stuff (a cool Dethling figure, a battlenet authenticator, Starcraft Demo and a bunch of other trinkets) to the games and panels, Blizzcon ’10 is a day I won’t forget! Thank you Blizzard! And a big thank you to the folks over at Gaming With Children!!

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