Cary’s Valentine’s Day Challenge!

Just kind of a hodgepodge blog this week, folks. Can’t really think of anything else to write, and game reviews are a little slow lately. So I’ll just take this time to give everyone my Valentine’s Day wishes and give you all a little preview of what kinds of blogs you can expect from me in February.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day isn’t really one of my favorite holidays for two reasons. One, there’s just too much pink involved. As a huge fan of Kirby, you’d think I’d really like pink, but it does get tiring seeing a sea of pink every time you go to Wal-Mart or other stores. Plus, you’d think that a holiday based around giving people chocolates, that Valentine’s Day would have awesome candy. But it doesn’t. Valentine’s Day has some of the worst candy associated with it. The chocolates in the heart-shaped boxes have fillings that I don’t like, and I just can’t stand those chalky message heart candies either! (Easter has the best candy) I do have fun looking at the kiddy Valentines you can buy for children to give out in elementary school, though. This year I saw TRON Valentines, and while I like that movie, I don’t know what’s so Valentine-y about TRON! I also saw Justin Bieber Valentines, too. Yikes!

I read a lot of blogs on the Internet around Valentine’s Day about people complaining that they don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend for the holiday. But you know what? It really doesn’t bother me anymore that I’m single and without a girlfriend or anything. I have plenty of family and friends that help me out, so I never feel alone. Now, do I ever get discouraged every now and then because I don’t have a girlfriend? Of course I do! I’m only human after all. But it doesn’t bother me as much as you might think.

So for now up until Valentine’s Day, I have a couple of special challenges for you all! Valentine’s Day should be about showing people that you care about them, not about worrying if you have a date or not. So my first challenge for all of you is this: be thankful if you’re in a relationship or married right now, but if you’re not, be thankful for the advantages of being single, too!

And that leads me to my next Valentine’s Day challenge: every day from now up until Valentine’s Day, I would like everyone to say something nice to someone else, even if you don’t know them. You never know when a kind word or compliment might make someone’s day. Try to do this every day. You might even grow accustomed to that and even start doing it more often throughout the year, even after Valentine’s Day. Which is as it should be. Don’t wait for a holiday as an excuse to be nice to people! I know that it can be challenging sometimes, especially for us guys, to give compliments to others. But that’s my challenge to all of you for Valentine’s Day!

I’ll even start the challenge myself. I would like to thank all of you who read my blogs and post comments and responses. It really brightens my day when you all do that, and I really appreciate all you readers throughout the years. I care for each and every one of you.

Blog Preview

Finally, I’d like to give you all a little preview about what kinds of blogs to expect from me in February. It’s been kind of slow lately, so I apologize I don’t have as much stuff up as I did before Christmas. It’s just the slow season for game releases and reviews and all, plus I’ve been pretty busy lately. But I do have some blogs planned for February that I’d like to give you a sneak peek on.

Super Bowl Sunday

Sometimes I like to post a blog about my favorite commercials I saw during the Super Bowl, so I’ll probably do that this year as well. And don’t forget the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet! I live near Dallas, so I bet you can imagine how much hype the Super Bowl is getting around here! Pretty soon I’ll also have a game review up on a version of EA Active that centers around football exercises! It’s really authentic, too!

Mario Sports Mix

When Mario Sports Mix comes out after the Super Bowl, I’ll probably post a blog with my impressions on each of the sports found in the game: basketball, volleyball, hockey, and dodgeball. I hope my Wii holds out until then, though. It’s been kind of acting up on me lately, so after I write this blog, I’ll probably send in my Wii for repairs. So keep me in your thoughts and prayers on that, since I use my game systems to help me write all sorts of game reviews. I hope I can get it fixed quickly without too much trouble, and I hope the next generation of consoles has more of a focus on quality control!

Marvel vs. Capcom 3

I’m looking forward to this game, too. So I’ll probably write a blog about the characters in it. It’ll probably end up being two blogs, one for the Capcom side and one for the Marvel side. And like the Tatsunoko characters from Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, I don’t know much about the Marvel heroes either. So it’ll be kind of fun to learn about them.


And hopefully by the end of February, I’ll have more game reviews up, too. But in the meantime, I need your thoughts, prayers, and support on another matter. Early in February, my mom will be going to the hospital for knee replacement surgery. I’m sure she’ll be fine, but I worry about it anyway. So please pray that she’ll be OK and that I’ll do a good job of taking care of her while she recovers. And that’s all for now! Later! –Cary

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