G.P. the GamerPuppet Unboxes the Wii U!

Hey folks, G.P. the GamerPuppet here! Guess what? Today, game reviewer Cary Woodham got a Wii U! He’s glad that he reserved one! So he let me unbox it, click to read on and check out what’s inside:

First, here’s the box it comes in. Cary got the deluxe edition, meaning his Wii U is black and it comes with more stuff.



This is the controller. It’s like an iPad with two Wii remotes on either side.

This is the actual console part, where you put the games in and whatnot. It’s about as big as the regular Wii, except a little thicker and longer. The box also comes with a bunch of cords and plugs and stuff, but that was kind of boring to take a picture of, so we didn’t do that.

And last, here are the games Cary got: Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros. U. Cary played both of them for a little while. The Mario game is just a standard 2-D Mario platformer, nothing too special yet. But Cary says Nintendo Land is fantastic and he’s planning on writing a big blog about it in a few days.

And that’s all for now! Cary just got the Wii U, so he doesn’t have a lot to say about it yet. Just don’t expect to play it right out of the box, as it has to do an update that took about an hour for Cary. But that’s OK, he took the time to read the rest of the instructions and charge up the Wii U controller while he waited. Miiverse wasn’t working at first so Cary doesn’t have a lot to say about that either. But Cary’s Wii U name is Klonoa360 (same as his Xbox LIVE gamertag), so if you have a Wii U and want to add him as a friend, put your Wii U name in the comments section. Now Cary can review lots of Wii U games now, too!  Later!

2 Responses to “G.P. the GamerPuppet Unboxes the Wii U!”

  1. I’m a tad late to the party, but I just got a Wii U myself! NNID = NakedBoB

    Actually I’m using the Wii U to post this!

    Great unboxing! The puppet needs less clothing!


  2. HENRY0627

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