Reader Review: Electronic Super Joy: Groove City (PC)

GROOVE_BOXMy good friend Leroy is back to review an add-on to a game he wrote about last year called Electronic Super Joy.  The add-on is called Groove City.  Click to find out if it’s worthy of your time:

Electronic Super Joy: Groove City is a sequel (mini-sequel?) to Electronic Super Joy, a game I reviewed about a year ago (which you can read here). It’s a hardcore 2-D platformer with extremely stylish monotone graphics with bright, bold colors and a hard electronic dance music soundtrack.

Actually, Groove City is more or less the same game as its predecessor. The primary differences are collectible stars and level timers that calculate a score at the end of a level (something to look to as an extra challenge once you’ve completed the level if you want to compete on the leaderboards) and the lack of the first game’s “stomp” mechanic, taking this one to pure platforming and dodging.

Groove City is still difficult, but mostly fair (as with the first game, not all of the levels feel as well designed as others or as other hardcore platforming games, although nothing outright terrible). Most of your game will be jumping around and dodging homing missiles to reach the goal of each level.

However, Groove City is a VERY small game. I was actually able to finish all of the levels in about forty minutes. There are some signs that there will be more content added to the game, but at the moment, there’s not a great value here unless you really enjoyed the first game and are happy waiting for additional content to be added to it.


Kid Factor:

Upon launching Electronic Super Joy, you are bombarded with a giant list of warnings of all the awful things the game contains. Despite that, the game only contains a few swear words and some suggestive vocal effects that are played when restarting a level from a checkpoint. Both of these can be turned off in the options menu through a “PG Mode” setting. –Leroy Capasso

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