Mighty Adventure (iPad)
Three little monster critter things live happily with an elder monster critter thing. But one day, a big ugly monster critter thing kidnaps the elder, and so the three little monsters set out on an adventure to rescue him! Mighty Adventure is a colorful continuously running 2-D platformer where you switch between the three critters to use their special skills to bypass obstacles. It’s available to download on iOS devices, and reviewed on iPad here.
When you start a stage, your monster will automatically run to the right. Unlike many other continuous runners, each stage is the same and has an end (no random obstacles). The stages are short, so it’s perfect for portable gaming. All three monsters can jump, run, and wall jump. Simply tap the screen to jump, and switch characters by touching the icons on the left of the screen.
After performing a jump, you can tap the touch screen again to activate each monster’s special skill. The blue monster can double jump, the dark purple one has a homing stomp move to defeat enemies, and the fiery red one dashes straight forward like a fireball. Use each monster’s skills wisely to overcome obstacles and collect little balls that can be used to unlock pictures in a gallery. If you get hit by an enemy or fall into spikes, you’ll just be whisked to a spot close to where you got trounced, ready to go again. But if you get hit three times, you’ll have to start the level over.
The only problems I had with the game is that sometimes it’s hard to know which character you need right away, and it’s just yet another continuously running platformer in a glut of tablet games of this genre. But it is colorful and easy to figure out, so if you like these kinds of games, you may want to give it a try.
Kid Factor:
Violence is fairly minimal. If you or an enemy gets hit, they just disappear with a splat sound, and you’ll be whisked to a safe spot if you get smacked. Reading skill is helpful for the instructions, but the game is still easy to figure out anyway. Younger gamers may need help with the tougher levels, though. But kids will love the colorful graphics and silly characters.
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