Grand Theft Auto V Strategy Guide (Book)
Grand Theft Auto V was one of last year’s best-selling titles for adult gamers. And this year it was released for the new PS4 and Xbox One consoles with added content. So if you want a guide with all the extra stuff, BradyGames has you covered with the new Grand Theft Auto Strategy Guide expanded for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Click to check out snippets of what’s inside.
Last year, I reviewed a hardcover GTAV guide from BradyGames. This new one is paperback, but they didn’t rehash it. In fact, they streamlined some things and made the text font a little bigger, which I like. The first part of the guide goes over the basics, showing you the controls and techniques and weapons you can use. Next they have all the cars and vehicles you can drive, including blimps, trucks, and airplanes! Here’s a picture of one of those pages.
A large part of the guide is dedicated to getting through the story mode. In the hardcover guide I reviewed from last year, most of the pages had a map on the opposite side that showed you where to go. In this one, they just made the map a little smaller and only show you what you need to get by. Here is an example of one of those pages.
The guide also shows you the people you’ll meet, random events you can encounter, side quests like hobbies and pastimes, as well as strategies for playing online. And that’s all! While this guide isn’t as fancy as the hardcover edition was, it’s still a pretty hefty guide and fans of GTAV will love it, especially if they have the new version for the more advanced consoles. Keep in mind this this guide is for an M rated game, though.
December 19th, 2014 at 4:12 pm
Nice to see strategy guides still being made, despite GameFAQs. I use the website, but you can’t beat full-color single-game guides. They make everything a whole lot easier to find.