Iron & Steel Pack (360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, Vita, Wii U, PC, iOS)
The latest tables to hit Zen Studios’ Zen Pinball 2 and Pinball FX2’s collection are a western-themed table called Wild West Rampage and a medieval-themed table based on one of Zen’s other games: CastleStorm. You can download and play them on consoles that support Zen Studios pinball platforms, but they are reviewed on Xbox 360 here. When you download Pinball FX 2 or Zen Pinball 2 (depending on which game console you own), you’re just downloading the hub. It’s free, and then you purchase separate tables for play in the game.
The first table, Wild West Rampage, tells the story of a gun-totin’ cowgirl as she cleans up the town and becomes sheriff. They nailed the theme of this table pretty well, with an old train on the side, saloon in the back, and wagon wheels and a badge as bumpers and spinners. You have to shoot the ball up different ramps to spell out words to start the game missions. Only problem is the words are pretty long that you have to spell, so it can take a while to do any of the missions.
The CastleStorm table is much better, as it’s easier to activate missions and many are fun to complete. It’s even easy to access the mini-table where you must hit targets and bash the castle walls for points. Plus it’s a very high-scoring table, and those are always fun. I’d have to say this table is better than the game it is based on!
Kid Factor:
Zen Studios pinball games are rated E for Everyone with ESRB descriptors of Comic Mischief. But hey, it’s pinball. Safe, fairly non-violent (gunplay and battles are usually only implied, not seen), and no reading required. A good choice for a downloadable game.
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