Amiibo Gifts

AMIIBO_LOGOHere’s another batch of new Nintendo Amiibo figures I got that I’ll share pictures of with you folks. These are actually figures that I got as Christmas presents a month or so ago!

Anyway, here is a picture of them still in the packages. From left to right we have the alternate colored Super Mario Bros. 30th Anniversary Edition Amiibo, and import Amiibo figures of Ness and Robin.


I already have a Super Mario Bros. 30th Anniversary Edition Amiibo, but it has a different color scheme than this one.  The other one I have is colored to look like Mario from the original Super Mario Bros. game, so his overalls are red and the rest of him is just brown or beige.  This one has more color to represent how he looks now.  When you scan this new Amiibo figure into Super Mario Maker, it acts just like the other one does, creating a mushroom that makes Mario super big.  But this one will also make Mario’s colors change, too, to match the Amiibo figure!  I found this figure on the afternoon on Black Friday at Wal-Mart.  I’m surprised they had any left!

The other two Amiibo figures had to be imported. Ness was a GameStop exclusive that I could never find, and Robin was just super rare.  He came out about the time that stores stopped letting you reserve figures.  I found it interesting that the Japanese Robin figure is named “Reflet.”  I imagine that is probably common knowledge for Fire Emblem fans, but I didn’t know that.  Anyway, here are what the three figures look like out of the box.  I don’t know if you can see from the picture, but even Robin’s book has text and runes on it.  The details on these figures are pretty amazing.


And that’s all for now! So I think now my Amiibo collection is pretty much complete.  Except I don’t have a Mega Yarn Yoshi, which I hear was an exclusive at Toys R Us.  But I’ve never heard too much info about it and I don’t know anyone who owns one, so I’m almost skeptical of its existence.  And I don’t have any of the Amiibo figures that will be released between when I wrote this article and when I posted it, but hopefully I’ll be able to snag them at some point as well.  You’ll know I did because I’ll share pics of them here, too!  If anyone wants to buy an extra Bowser Jr. or import Zero Suit Samus Amiibo, let me know!  Later!  –Cary

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