G.P. the GamerPuppet Unboxes the Mega Man 11 amiibo Edition!

Hey there! G.P. the GamerPuppet here!  You know Cary, who writes a lot of reviews here?  Well he’s a big Mega Man fan.  He even likes the series more than Mario games, and has been playing them ever since the NES days.  To celebrate Mega Man’s 30th anniversary (wow, Cary’s old), Capcom released a special version of the newest game in the series, Mega Man 11, on Switch with a special amiibo and other goodies included.  Cary was lucky enough to get it, so here are pictures of me unboxing it for him!

Here is a closer shot of the box.  The Mega Man 11 amiibo edition was a GameStop exclusive, and it was kind of hard for Cary to get!  He called the store beforehand to see if they had it for preorder, and they said they did, but when he went up there later that day, they said they didn’t!  He even wrote a complaint letter about that, but they didn’t respond.  Luckily they restocked it online and Cary quickly snatched it up!  But the box was smashed on the back side when it shipped.  Cary won’t complain about that, as he probably wouldn’t keep the box anyway as almost all the goodies fit in the game case anyway, but he said he probably won’t shop at GameStop as much anymore.

And here is the game out of the box.  Cary said he would rather have the game on PS4, but since the Switch version had all the goodies, he got it on Switch.

The game also came with stickers and a Dr. W patch.

One of the cooler extras was this microfiber screen cleaning cloth with the stage select screen on it!

And finally here is the amiibo.  It’s pretty cool.  When you scan it into the game you can get an E tank once per day.  The Smash Mega Man amiibo will work, too.

So how is Mega Man 11?  Cary says it’s pretty good, but definitely won’t be on his top five Mega Man games list.  He says he’s glad there are multiple difficulty settings, as the game on normal is as hard as the last two were, which is too hard in his opinion.  Also the music is rather bland and too techno-ey.  The best songs are Fuse Man and Blast Man’s stages, and that’s pretty much it.  The game itself only costs 30 bucks, like a budget title, and in many ways the game feels like one.  Not always a bad thing, but not always good either.

One Response to “G.P. the GamerPuppet Unboxes the Mega Man 11 amiibo Edition!”

  1. Nice amiibo there G.P.. Good job on the review. I look forward to more from you, G.P. .

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