Sonic the Hedgehog Toys in Arby’s Kids’ Meals!

Just in time for the live action Sonic the Hedgehog movie, Arby’s has toys in their kids’ meals based on the popular game characters.  Heck, I didn’t even know Arby’s had kids’ meals!  Anyway, I managed to get one, so let’s take a look and see what they’re like!

Here’s a bigger picture of the sack the meal comes in.  At least they have dedicated sacks for them.

And here’s a shot of the back of the sack.  Can you get Sonic through the maze?  You can collect rings, too, but the yellow doesn’t show up very well so it’s hard to see.

The side of the sack shows all the toys you can get.  I didn’t know there were rare ones!

The package that the toy comes in also has a piece of paper with a better picture of all the toys you can get in color.  I really want the Tails one, he’s my favorite Sonic character.

But the one I got was Super Sonic.  It’s just a disc that you can fold out that shows the other half of their bodies, and you can stand them up.  It’s just a couple of inches tall.  And that’s pretty much it.  And it’s identical to the last toys Arby’s gave out.  In early January I went to Arby’s and tried to get a Sonic toy, but they just had leftovers from the last batch.  It was the same folding disc thing, except with cat characters from a mobile game I’ve never heard of.

And that’s it, really.  The press release I got said that the Sonic promo runs through the end of February, but I bet that if you went a little after that, they might still have Sonic toys as well, since Arby’s really doesn’t advertise their kids’ meals.

But my question is, why Arby’s?  There’s a much more obvious fast food choice for this promo, and I bet I know what you’re thinking.  Sonic Drive Ins!  I mean, the name’s the same, plus Sonic restaurants serve chili dogs, which is Sonic the Hedgehog’s favorite food.  So why not, SEGA?  –Cary


So two days before this article was scheduled to post, I went back to Arby’s and they gave me one of each of the rest of the toys they had.  I don’t know if that would work if any of you went to Arby’s, I just think I got lucky and got some employees who weren’t such sticklers for the rules.  But hey, at least I got Tails.

2 Responses to “Sonic the Hedgehog Toys in Arby’s Kids’ Meals!”

  1. Those are neat looking tokens.

  2. “I’m so hungry I could eat at Arby’s!”

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