Trifox (PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, X/S, PC)
A band of nasty animal pirates have ransacked a fox’s home and stolen his remote control. But luckily this is one clever fox and must use skills from a warrior, mage, and engineer to take back his stuff! Mix and match various abilities to defeat enemies, bypass obstacles, and solve puzzles in this 3-D adventure. It also has a bit of a retro vibe as it feels like something that would’ve been on the PS2. Trifox is available on all current consoles and PC, but reviewed on PS4 here.
Your fox character can run and double jump, as well as dash both on the ground and in the air. Early on you’ll adopt one of three skills: Warrior, Mage, or Engineer. As a warrior, you’ll use a lot of close range attacks with a hammer, and can stun enemies with a slam, too. The Mage uses a lot of balanced magic attacks, and the engineer uses gadgets to defeat enemies and has a long range gatling gun. You’ll use these skills to defeat enemies in worlds based on beach, lava caves, and ice, with a boss at the end of three levels each. There are also switch based puzzles to solve and secrets to discover. Between levels in the hub world, you can spend the coins you’ve collected to unlock new skills for your classes. You can then assign four skills to each of the shoulder buttons, so you can mix and match to suit your preference.
While I liked how you could mix and match skills, and the fact that this reminded me of a game I would’ve played on the PS2, Trifox does have a few problems. They really don’t do a very good job of letting you know you can mix and match moves, as it took me a couple of levels to figure that out on my own. And jumping controls are awful, but luckily the game seems to focus more on combat than platforming. Finally the game gets pretty hard about a third of the way through, even on the easy setting. It’s still a good game, but the problems just kept me from staying interested all the way through.
Kid Factor:
Trifox is rated E-10 with an ESRB descriptor of Fantasy Violence. You can hit cartoony enemies with hammers, guns, and magic blasts, but they just get dizzy stars and fall down and disappear when defeated. Reading skill is helpful for the text, and younger gamers may find it too difficult.
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