Pretty Girls 2048 Strike (PS4, PS5, Switch, PC)
Pick a pretty anime lady in a uniform to fight other pretty anime ladies in monster costumes and battle by playing a number sliding game in Pretty Girls 2048 Strike. It’s available on PlayStation consoles, Switch, and PC, but reviewed on PS4 here.
The game is pretty easy to figure out, as it is very similar to many mobile games I’ve seen. Numbers appear on the grid, and one of the squares has a picture of the demon anime lady you’re battling. Press up, down, left, and right to slide the numbers in those directions. Each time you do this, they’ll add another number. But squares of the same amount will add up and combine into one square. Keep doing this to reduce the numbers on the field, and if any of those numbers hit the square with the anime lady on it, it’ll take off hit points equivalent to the number shown. When the hit points are at zero, you win. When a meter is full, you can use a special attack, depending on the character you choose. But your opponent has skills, too! If the field is full of squares and you can’t make another move, the game is over.
The two main modes of play are Story and Endless. Story has you complete a progression of levels, and Endless lets you pick an arrangement of squares and go as long as you can. When you win in Story Mode, you’ll earn points you can use to unlock new outfits for the ladies. My only problem is that the game gets night impossible near the end and I lost interest after that.
Kid Factor:
Pretty Girls 2048 Strike is rated T for Teen with an ESRB descriptor of Suggestive Themes. The anime ladies wear skimpy outfits and that’s it. I guess it could be considered somewhat educational since the game involves numbers.
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