Pizza Pixel Podcast Episode 16: Top Five Favorite Mature Games

Most of you know that I generally prefer to play family friendly games.  That’s one of the reasons why I write at!  But I am an adult and sometimes I like more ‘grown up’ games, too.  So that’s what this podcast is all about!  Granted, I had to stretch a bit for some of the games on my list, but I think it’s a nice contrast to what I usually talk about.  So here’s me and my brother Jeff talking about our favorite Mature video games.

One disclaimer, though.  Usually our podcasts are fairly family friendly, and this one generally is, too.  But the subject matter and games on this podcast certainly aren’t.  So just keep that in mind when listening with your family.

Pizza Pixel Podcast Episode 16: Top Five Favorite Mature Games

In the comments section, let me know what you think of our lists, and tell me YOUR favorite Mature games.  And thanks for listening!  Later!  –Cary

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