NachoCado (Switch)

Nacho monsters want to turn all the avocados into guacamole so they can dip into them, so it’s up to you to help two avocado halves to stop the nachos and save their brethren.  NachoCado is an arcade style action game that is like a cross between Pong and Breakout, mixed with single screen platformers like Bubble Bobble.

You’ll move the left and right avocado halves up and down with the corresponding L and R sticks on the Switch JoyCons.  Whoever has the avocado seed can release it like a ball with the shoulder trigger button.  You can play this game in single player, or conversely do a two-player game with each person controlling one side of the avocado with one JoyCon.  When the avocado seed bounces off certain blocks, you can get a power-up or power-down like a slower or faster seed-ball, or an extra life.  Nacho monsters will appear at the top of the screen and walk towards the bottom.  When you defeat all the nacho monsters by bouncing the seed into them, you’ll move onto the next stage.  When you complete enough stages, you’ll face a boss.  If you miss an avocado seed catch, let too many nachos fall off the screen, or get hit by a boss attack, you’ll lose a life.  Lose all five lives and it’s Game Over.

I had two main problems with this game.  One is that there’s not much to it.  There’s a Story Mode and when you beat that you can unlock an Endless Mode, but that’s it.  But good luck doing that because my second problem is that once you get a Game Over, you must start back over at the beginning.  I would’ve liked it much better if you could’ve continued where you left off or at least after the last boss you defeated.  But no, you must start completely over and do it all in one run!  That made me lose interest pretty quickly!

Kid Factor:

Nothing too terribly violent here.  You hit cartoony nacho monsters with an avocado seed and they just disappear when defeated.  Reading skill is helpful for the text, but not necessary just to play.  Younger gamers may find it too frustrating and difficult.  NachoCado is rated E for Everyone.

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