Ratyrinth (PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, X/S, PC)

A couple of mice are separated by a big cat’s paw, and now it’s up to one to reach the other in this 2-D precision platformer.  It features retro black and white graphics that remind me of the games I used to play on my old Apple ][+ computer when I was a kid.  Ratyrinth is available on all current consoles and PC, but reviewed on PS4 here.

Your rodent can run and jump, and do a wall climb move similar to Mega Man X.  Your goal is to make it to the door at the end of each level, but if you get hit by an enemy or obstacle, you must start the stage over again.  Enemies include snails, frogs, chickens, etc., and some even throw projectiles at you.  Sometimes you can find a hidden bag in a level that’ll give you a new color palette you can use.  There are even underwater levels, which is something you usually don’t see in a game like this.

I had a few problems with this game.  I wish they would’ve told you in the game that you can duck, which is vital in avoiding enemies.  Also, it’s hard to tell which enemies can harm you and which don’t.  You can’t jump on snails or frogs, but you can hop on the chickens’ heads.  And there are some frog enemies that just sit there and throw projectiles that you can just pass through.  Same goes for background objects.  Some spikes and stalactites you can pass through, and some you can’t.  And some stages are multiple screens, so checkpoints would’ve been nice.  Even so, I’d still have to say this is one of the better precision platformers I’ve reviewed.  The stages are tough, but doable, and I managed to get all the trophies on this one, which I hardly ever do with these kinds of games.  I still got bored with it around stage 50 (out of 80) or so, but if you like these kinds of games, you might want to check this one out.

Kid Factor:

Ratyrinth is rated E for Everyone with an ESRB descriptor of Mild Fantasy Violence.  If you get hit by an enemy or spikes, you just disappear in a cloud of smoke and start the level over again. Reading skill isn’t needed, but younger gamers may get frustrated at the difficulty.

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