Paper Trail (Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, X/S, PC, Mobile)

Help a girl on a journey as she leaves home to follow her dreams in Paper Trail.  You view the action in a top down fashion and each screen is a piece of paper. You must fold the paper in various ways to open paths and help her solve puzzles.  Paper Trail is available on pretty much anything you can play a game on, but it’s reviewed on Switch here.

To control the girl, you’ll use the left stick to move her around.  Later you’ll be able to highlight objects and move them around, too.  Press the button for her to interact with objects, like pushing rocks.  The right stick brings up a different icon, and when you bring it over the sides and corners of the paper, you can press the R trigger button to ‘grab’ it and fold it over.  The paper has objects on the back, and you can fold the paper to create paths for the girl to reach areas and solve puzzles.  You can view what’s on the back of the paper with another button as well.  It kind of reminds me of origami. Controls can be a bit cumbersome, but I think they made them about as intuitive as they could.

The best part of the game for me was the hint system, which you can bring up and use at any time to see how to fold the papers.  You can view each step at a time so you don’t have to reveal everything.  It’s just handy if you get stuck.  I’m not too good with origami anyway so I was glad for the hint system because I had a hard time wrapping my head around the puzzles.  Only thing I can do with origami is make boulders!  Even though the game didn’t hold my interest as long, that doesn’t mean it’s a bad game.  If you like block pushing puzzles and origami, you may want to check this one out.

Kid Factor:

Nothing violent or objectionable here.  Reading skill is a must, and the game could be somewhat educational as it requires logic and thinking skills.  Younger gamers may need help with the controls and puzzles, though.  Paper Trail is rated E for Everyone.

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