RPM: Road Punk Mayhem (PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, X/S, PC)

This is a 2D vertically scrolling bullet hell shooter that looks like it could’ve come from the late 90s/early 2000s.  But instead of piloting a spaceship, this one has a post-apocalyptic setting.  Choose from three punks, each with their own skills (and possibly varying levels of sanity) as you drive a vehicle in the desert avoiding bullets and shooting down all manner of cars, motorcycles, tanks, monster trucks, and more!  RPM: Road Punk Mayhem is available on all current consoles and PC, but reviewed on PS4 here.

When you start, you’ll choose your character.  One has a three way spread shot, one has a straight shot, and one has homing missiles.  Each has a different level of energy they start out with, too.  Each time you get hit, you’ll lose a gas tank which represents your energy.  Lose them all and it’s Game Over, but you can continue a couple of times.  You must make it through five stages with a boss at the end of each one.

Controls are pretty simple, but it does have some nuances that make it stand out just a little bit.  If you hammer down the fire button, you’ll shoot your regular bullets.  But if you hold it down, you’ll fire a powerful beam but it slows you down, too.  Hold down another button to use a screen clearing bomb, but if you just tap that button, you can warp to a different part of the screen.  This is handy for avoiding bullets and sometimes there are obstacles and attacks where you MUST warp.  It’s a pretty neat mechanic, really.  My only problem is the game is way too hard.  I wish these bullet hell shooters had easier difficulty selections for those of us who aren’t quite as good at these types of games.  But if you like bullet hell shooters, this one’s all right.

Kid Factor:

RPM: Road Punk Mayhem is rated E-10 with an ESRB descriptor of Fantasy Violence.  You shoot all manner of vehicles that explode when defeated.  Reading skill is helpful for the text, but not necessary just to play.  Younger gamers may find this one too difficult, though.

One Response to “RPM: Road Punk Mayhem (PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, X/S, PC)”

  1. Neato!

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