Minecraft Fruit Snacks and…deodorant?!?
Minecraft is one of the most popular video games ever made. I don’t want to say it’s more popular than my favorite game Pac-Man, but the yellow ghost chomper never had fruit snacks or deodorant! Yeah I saw Minecraft fruit snacks and deodorant at Wal-Mart a while back, so here’s some pictures and things. I try to stay away from Minecraft myself. It looks fun, but I don’t want to get addicted to it! Even if that Pac-Man DLC is tempting!
Anyway, here’s a bigger picture of the front of the Minecraft fruit snacks box.
And here’s the ‘bonus game’ on the side of the box. Looks like some kind of maze, and not a very hard one either.
And here’s what the pouches look like. I didn’t take a picture of the snacks themselves, as they’re not very photogenic. But you can see what they look like on the box.
Finally here’s the display of the Minecraft deodorant. I didn’t buy any of it because it was too expensive.
And that’s all for now! Later! –Cary
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