The Legend of Cyber Cowboy (PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, X/S, PC)

You are a cyborg cowboy out to shoot all the robot baddies in a wild west setting.  The Legend of Cyber Cowboy is a twin stick shooter that reminds me a bit of Smash TV.  It’s available on all current consoles and PC, but reviewed on PS4 here.

In each level, you travel from room to room and shoot all the enemies there to open the next room.  Sometimes there are multiple paths.  Move with the L stick and aim with the R stick.  Fire your gun with the R trigger button and dash quickly out of the way with the L trigger button.  Defeated enemies leave coins behind, and some rooms have shops where you can buy weapons with those coins.  Some guns you can buy give you rapid fire, or a short range spread shot.  But they have limited use.  At the end of each stage is a boss.

My main problem with the game is the imbalance in difficulty.  The enemies in the rooms move slowly and barely shoot at you, and then the boss is bullet hell mayhem.  And the bullets are fat and hard to avoid.  Plus I would’ve liked to have known what the weapons did before I bought them.  I’d rather just play Smash TV instead.

Kid Factor:

The Legend of Cyber Cowboy is rated E-10 with ESRB descriptors of Fantasy Violence, Alcohol Reference, and Mild Blood.  I didn’t notice any blood but you do shoot all sorts of robots, and one of the stages is in a saloon with bottles you can break.  Reading skill isn’t needed but because of the high difficulty, I’d say this one’s best for older kids.

2 Responses to “The Legend of Cyber Cowboy (PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, X/S, PC)”

  1. Ooo, a new twin-stick shooter game, my theme for the month. It’s on my wish list.

  2. I don’t like the sound of the bullet hell bosses, especially since the levels are not like that.

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