Runny Bunny (PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, X/S, PC)
Ok the title of this game is a bit misleading because this rabbit doesn’t run, nor does he have the runs. It’s more like he spin dashes. This rabbit zips around so fast, he almost looks like he teleports. He’d make Sonic the Hedgehog jealous. In Runny Bunny, you move a super quick rabbit around a maze getting all the dots and carrots while avoiding obstacles to reach an exit. It’s available on all current consoles and PC, but reviewed on PS4 here.
In the game, you move the rabbit up, down, left, and right in the mazes with the D-pad. He moves quickly, but only stops when he hits a wall. In many ways, this game is a lot like another I reviewed recently called Rivenaar’s Grove. Except this one is more action oriented. You’ll have to move quickly and react fast so you don’t get hit by enemies or obstacles. When you eat all the dots and carrots in the maze, an exit opens and you can run into it to finish the level. There are 100 stages in all.
I really liked this game for the most part. It’s kind of a like a fast action version of Pac-Man. Some of the levels can be a bit frustrating, especially ones with the wall of transparent red chasing after you (I think it’s supposed to be lava). And the game gets pretty hard about halfway through. But even though it’s challenging, it’s still doable. You just have to be fast on that D-pad!
Kid Factor:
Runny Bunny is rated E for Everyone with an ESRB descriptor of Mild Fantasy Violence. If your bunny hits spikes, enemies, or other obstacles, he’ll just disappear in a puff of smoke and you’ll start the level over. Reading skill isn’t needed, but younger gamers may need help with the tougher levels.
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