Skylanders: Swap Force Strategy Guide (Book)
Today and this weekend, we’re going to celebrate the recent release of the newest game in the Skylanders toy and game sensation: Swap Force. But before I post my review of the actual game, let’s take a look at the strategy guide for the new title! It’s from BradyGames and a must-have for anyone who is really into Skylanders and wants to master it!
The first part of the guide is dedicated to each of the new Skylanders Swap Force and New Series figures. Each couple of pages features a Skylander, their history, and their upgradable abilities and skills. Here’s an example showing one of my favorite new Swap Force figures: Rattle Shake.
The next section of the guide has a walkthrough for each of the games levels, with maps and strategies as well as locations for all the hidden treasures. I should also note that this guide is for the main console versions, not the 3DS game.
The other sections of the guide were just lists, and not as picture-worthy, but no less helpful. You have Warp Zone Challenges, Bonus Missions, Arena, Time Attack, and Score Mode strategies, as well as lists of all the treasures, accolades, and Achievements/Trophies you can get. And that’s all there is to the guide! I have to say that it would make a great gift for a young Skylander fan, and it would encourage them to read more, too.
Later this weekend, I’m going to post my review of Skylanders: Swap Force with a big “Swap-tacular Special.” So be on the lookout for that soon. I’ll leave you here with a picture of my Skylander figure collection. They all came from the review copies of the games I’ve written about over the years. Although the two small ‘sidekicks’ in the front came from special offers inside packs of Frito-Lay chips. So here’s the group shot. Later! –Cary
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