Girls’ Fashion Shoot (3DS)
If you have a little girl who loves playing with fashion dolls, mixing and matching different clothes and putting on makeup, then here’s a 3DS game for her! In Girls’ Fashion Shoot, play the role of both a fashion model AND a layout editor of a fashion magazine.
The first thing you’ll do is choose the look and clothes of your character before trying out for your new job at a fashion magazine. You’ll then be whisked off to the photographer to choose your pose and facial expression. Once you land the job, you’ll be given specific tasks, like create a certain clothes ensemble that matches, or nails and makeup that complements a given outfit. If you don’t get it right, the nicest editor in the world just gently reminds you of the theme, and lets you try again. Once you’re satisfied with your couture, get your picture taken again and you can create your own magazine cover layout with backgrounds and other effects. The money you earn from completed jobs can go to buying more outfits, accessories, makeup, nails, and hairstyles. You can even use StreetPass to trade your profile with others.
There is a massive amount of selection in this game. Choose from hundreds of wardrobe items, accessories, hairstyles, makeup, and more. In fact, it’s almost a bit daunting and the tiny menu icons don’t help much either. Luckily you can type in search words to sort outfits into types, but I still had a hard time getting things to match like how the editor wanted. But then, I’m a guy and if I can get my clothes on every morning without them being backwards or inside-out, I feel like I’m doing pretty well for myself. The only other problem I had with this game is that it doesn’t seem like you can change your skin color. And if there is an option to do that, I certainly couldn’t find it. Possibly another by-product of the slightly confusing menus. But despite the lack of diversity, I think this game would still be entertaining for fashion-minded girls.
Kid Factor:
Reading skill is a must, as everything is text based. The game could be considered slightly educational, as it teaches sorting and classification skills, and even has a glossary of fashion terms. I found some words that even I didn’t know! Girls’ Fashion Shoot is rated E for Everyone.
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