Force Unleashed – Which to Buy?
The NDA is lifted, so I can tell you all that Star Wars: Force Unleashed is a mediocre game! Sorry, it’s true, the reviews coming in are from magazines so I haven’t read them but the scores – mid 70’s – are exactly right. There’s an unpolished rushed feeling, cutscenes interupt action and the story is propelled by a lot of button mashing combat. You can fight strategically, but button mashing works good too. When I finished the 360 version I was done with the game and glad to be frankly but then I remembered – I had to check out the Wii version. This leads us to the most important line in this post. IF YOU HAVE A WII – GET THE WII VERSION! The Force is much stronger on Nintendo’s white rectangle of interactivity.
Forget the fancy graphics, forget the vaunted physics – both impress but not enough to make up for the piss-poor AI and repetitive gameplay. The Wii version presents the same story, same missions, but much simpler, smaller, and more intimate levels. The graphics are notably worse but the cramped feeling works to the game’s favor, in that it makes the free-er-flowing Wii combat, and especially Force combat, much more fun and expressive. Force Push is cool as hell when you do it on a Next Gen system but when you actually have to thrust your nunchuk forward to do it? Cool! Same with lightning, grab, Vader’s choke power and of course, the swinging.
The Wii also offers up some 2-player love with a robust duel mode. With remote and nunchuk you can pit Vader vs. Luke, Anakin vs. Obi Wan, and much more as you unlock various combatants.
I haven’t played the PS2 or PSP versions – I can’t imagine they’re good. The worst of the 360 coupled with the worst of the Wii’s graphics. The DS version is a complete mystery to me. I can’t imagine it being satisfying, but I could be wrong.
We’ve been waiting for the ultimate lightsaber game for the Wii for some time now. This isn’t it. But it’s the closest we’ve come. If you have a choice, make it carefully. Just remember, graphics don’t make one great. Sometimes you’ve got to feel the Force flow through you. Let go.
September 15th, 2008 at 7:37 am
I will comment later this week after I get some time in on the PSP version. I have been replaying some of 2006’s Star Wars Lethal Alliance (you play as a ‘rogue’) this weekend, and have set my expectations accordingly (low).
Your whole post reminds me of how stark this next-gen console generation has made the fact that ‘bright & shiny’ and ‘big boom’ don’t equal good games. Promising game after promising game have looked great but disappointed because they spent too much time chasing the ‘next gen factor’.
September 15th, 2008 at 7:59 am
I disagree with your assertion, there’s really not many other ways to make Force Unleashed lightsaber combat on a gamepad. The Wii has an inherant advantage there, but only if developers prioritize Wii development. The shame is they don’t seem to, yet.
The Wii version is from KROME. Is that the PSP maker too?
The 360/PS3 versions are impressive in their way. The havok engine is the physics, yes? That works good. The problem is that isn’t impressive after a while and the Wii’s more canned physics weren’t noticeable good or bad. The Wii version’s levels are DEFINITELY a compromise and don’t compare to the huge chasms and other SW features.
In some ways, the real shame Mike is that the Wii has such primitive hardware! The bonus is, if you like Force Unleashed for 360/PS3, you can safely replay it as new on the Wii. The missions are that different due to hardware necessity.
Gads, if the PSP is the Wii levels/graphics + the console control scheme? You’re playing a bad game there Mike….
September 15th, 2008 at 8:26 am
I believe KROME developed the Wii, PS2, and PSP version, at least according to a developer video via Amazon. It’s interesting to hear that the Wii version was more enjoyable, on a scale of mediocrity. The exclusive content on PS2 and PSP only including different 1 on 1 battles with different computer controlled characters. And the DS version feels more like a cash in on the license than a quality idea.
I’m disappointed to hear it felt rush. Given how high the developers set the sights back when they introduced it (was it E3 of 06?) it is understandable that they couldn’t do everything they hoped for. I know we talked about story last week and without solid gameplay, the game feels more like a rental. Even if the story could be interesting to Star Wars fans, the linear nature seems to limit replay. Although the Wii’s battle mode may help parents feel like the money was well spent.
I believe it will sell well based on the strength of the brand. But I’m looking forward to renting it, and not much beyond that.
September 15th, 2008 at 9:58 am
My assertion was that here is another game that has been cut time and again and been delayed time and again … yet still feels rushed and unpolished. BUT … they made sure that the whole Havoc / Euphoria / DMM stuff was in there to ensure cool trailers to lure in the sales. I guess that makes me cynical – I feel too much attention is paid to what it takes to make a cool explosion than an interesting game (e.g. Mercenaries 2).
September 15th, 2008 at 10:36 am
First Mercs 2 and now this? Are there any great games coming out this month?
At least I’ve got my TF2 addiction to keep me occupied.
September 15th, 2008 at 8:11 pm
This seems odd to me because the demo was such a blast. I might buy this and like it despite the reviews. The only thing I’m questionable on is the length :/
September 16th, 2008 at 5:42 am
Most previews thought that the demo was fun but that the repetitve force power usage became old before the end. Who knows – you might enjoy it all the way through. It is supposed to be rather short, able to be completed in a couple of sittings. Perhaps GamerDad can elucidate on that.
I got the call that my copy is at the store today …
September 16th, 2008 at 8:21 am
No thanks on playing the demo and I’m all out of elucidation. I’d say if you enjoyed a demo though, odds are you’ll enjoy the real game. I wouldn’t call the game itself short, but I would call it average length,
September 16th, 2008 at 9:07 am
Hehe … you must be so TFU’d out by now that when someone asks a question youjust want them to STFU 😀