Original Half-Life $0.98 Today Only
OK, it started Wednesday, but I only heard about it late last night … anyway, this milestone first-person shooter is celebrating its’ 10th birthday, and as a treat, Valve is giving it away for the low price of 98 cents (get it, released in 1998, sell for 98 cents!). I had been working on a Retrospective, but let me just be clear – it was a great game in 1998, and it is still great now. The graphics have been improved through the Source engine, but it still looks like a 1998 game. The gameplay and excellent narrative style haven’t lost their edge a bit in the last decade. If you don’t own it – or even if you do but don’t have it on Steam, go here and buy it. NOW!!! EDITOR: Mike meant to warn parents that this game is rated M. It’s tame by today’s standards, I could see 15+ myself, but parent be warned. Half-Life is a horror game.
November 23rd, 2008 at 10:34 am
Landmark is right. It was also the first review I wrote as a married man. It came out just after my Honeymoon and Paul Hyman over at the defunct GamePower let me review it … and Thief I believe… as a wedding present. 1998 was a banner year for gaming, 2008 is shaping up pretty good too.
November 23rd, 2008 at 11:08 am
Thanks on the ESRB warning … in my rush to get it posted I forgot …
March 6th, 2010 at 9:55 pm
Well to be honest you really shot say that there is a way to block out gore for younger players. Also I have played the game and I don’t want to be rude but the horror aspect is very little the only thing i found scary were the fish things. But it really isn’t scary.