Zoom Zoom … Nintendo DS shoots past 50 million sold!

DS LiteIt is pretty amazing when you think about it – in the months prior to release, industry folks were quite skeptical about the ‘gimmicky’ (in the pejorative sense) dual screen handheld coming from Nintendo, looking for a true next-gen replacement for the GameBoy Advance. Many were predicting failure or at least a disappointment in the face of a coming challenge from Sony, though most cautioned never to count out Nintendo when it comes to handheld gaming.

Well, regardless of where the various media sources stood regarding the potential success of the DS and how the PSP would fare, I don’t recall anyone predicting that the DS would become the fastest selling gaming console in history, completely dominating sales charts and bringing in new gamers by the thousands every month all over the world. But so it has.

Now, with a few months to go before the third anniversary of the system launch, an important milestone has been reached – the DS has sold 50 million units. What is perhaps even more amazing is that before the launch of the DS Lite in March of 2006 the system had ‘only’ sold about 15 million units after 18 months, and has subsequently sold more than 35 million units in the past 16 months.

Let that sink in for a second – 35 million systems in 16 months.

At that rate the DS should be well positioned to exceed 100 million in total sales during its’ lifetime, joining the small and elite group of electronic devices to accomplish that task. The original GameBoy did it, as did the Sony PlayStation and PS2 systems. The iPod has done it, and the Sony Walkman. But as this article indicates, selling 100 million of something is extremely rare and takes many years to accomplish.

Regardless of where you fall in the console wars, gaming wars, MP3 player wars, browser wars or any of the other meaningless battles being raged across the internet today – stop for a second and recognize Nintendo for this grand accomplishment. Because as they have made clear, it isn’t just about selling loads of product and making tons of money – it is about bringing folks who have never been gamers into the fold … with the hope that they continue buying games and making game companies money, of course.

2 Responses to “Zoom Zoom … Nintendo DS shoots past 50 million sold!”

  1. I would love to see real attach rates for the DS and Wii at a level of detail that would show whether or not hardcore Nintenfans are making up for “non-gamers” buying a DS + Brain Age or a Wii + Wii Sports.

    Go go Nintendo though!

  2. Those numbers don’t tend to get aggregated like console sales, but based on numbers through earlier this year, it looks like this in terms of ‘million sellers’:
    DS – 31 million sellers for a total of 112 million units.
    PSP – 11 million sellers for a total of 17 million units.

    In terms of next gen consoles the only useful data was the X360:
    X360 – 22 million sellers for a total of 34 million units.

    For reference:
    GBA – 52 million sellers for a total of 130 million units.
    PS2 – 189 million sellers for a total of 507 million units.

    The recent Crisis Core will help the PSP somewhat … but those numbers include Monster Hunter 2nd, the last PSP big seller.

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