Meet Melodie
Posted on February 26th, 2009 by
Meet Melodie (it’s video and you will need sound). She’s 1-year old and I’m worried she might start her own blog and put me out of business! The video shows a familiar scene. A daughter, sippy cup, bib, a father, and flash cards. Video game character flash cards. Now, is this the right thing to teach? Wouldn’t numbers be better? My answer is “not really.” Why?
Also, hey, she’s 1. She is learning memory, pronounciation, articulation, and who Mario is. I’m of the belief that you can never be too young for Mario.
February 26th, 2009 at 12:56 pm
That’s a pretty neat idea. One of little brother Jeff’s very first words was “Donkey Kong.” I would think it would be better to teach BOTH numbers and video game characters, though. Being well-rounded and all. –Cary
February 26th, 2009 at 4:47 pm
Flash cards for a one-year-old? What happened to her sereptitously urping down the back of his shirt and throwing those plastic Fisher Price donut things at the cat as nature intended at that age!? 😉
I’m with Cary on the numbers. She can’t send the proper amount of Firebats on the mission if she can’t count the Zerglings. And you can’t designate between A Squad and B Squad without letters. Colors are obviously necessary to designate teams.
(Note: my comment is very tongue-in-cheek. I think it’s great he’s spending time with her and that’s really the most important part of it all. Not to mention the way she says Donkey Kong is terminally cute.)
February 26th, 2009 at 8:04 pm
Both of you are forgetting the most important use of numbers. POKEMAAANS! Seriously, I must have learned more math from that game than I did from first and second grade combined.
February 26th, 2009 at 9:34 pm
the email gamerdad link is not working