Super Bowl Commercials Poppin’ In Der Face…In 3-D!

Well Sunday night I did what millions of others did and watched the Super Bowl (I wouldn’t be surprised if they declared it a national holiday soon). I’m not really big into football, but I can get into a good game every now and then. Being in high school marching band got me accustomed to that.

Plus I live in Texas, and if you don’t like football at least a little bit in Texas, you’re considered an outcast. But I don’t watch the Super Bowl just for the game. I watch it so I can have an excuse to eat some yummy snacks, and because I like the commercials. But that’s just not for the Super Bowl, I like to watch commercials on any TV show I watch! Sometimes I think the commercials are better than the shows they’re advertising for. But then, I just like commercials, I’m weird that way. So for this blog I’m going to run down the Super Bowl commercials that stuck out in my mind.


I didn’t really care about the two teams playing this time, but I was kind of rooting for the Cardinals. I usually like to root for the underdog and the team that’s furthest south. Plus, if the Cardinals won, then the Steelers would still be tied for the most Super Bowl wins with the Cowboys, and I gotta support my home team! But I doubt the Cowboys will be going to another Super Bowl anytime soon, unfortunately. Another reason why I wanted the Cardinals to win was work related. You see, where I work, we just bought out one of our competitors in Pennsylvania, but they still have a retail store up there. But if anybody calls them, it gets forwarded to us. And I’ve gotten lots of calls already asking if we carry Steelers merchandise. And no, we don’t. We acquired their wholesale business, not their inventory. So now that the Steelers won, I’m going to be fielding a lot more calls about this. And I hate doing more work! But a lot of the sales reps were rooting for Pittsburg, and they’re good folks. So if they’re happy, then I’m happy. Oh yeah, I’ll also say the Super Bowl looked REALLY good on my new 47 inch HDTV!

Anyway, now I’ll talk about the commercials. Lots of movie previews. I’m not a big G.I. Joe fan so I couldn’t make much sense of the G.I. Joe movie preview. Sad thing is I did like Transformers as a kid and I still can’t make sense of the Transformers live action movie sequel preview. And was that a Land of the Lost move preview I saw? Wasn’t that a dumb Saturday show by Sid and Marty Kroft? Why make a movie out of that? I will go see the Dragon Ball Z live action movie, though. I know it’s going to be HORRIBLE, but I want to see just HOW horrible. Plus I think seeing the fans in the audience will be more entertaining than the movie itself. I liked the Pixar Up preview, but then I heard an announcer say later that it’s going to be one of those 3-D glasses kind of movies, and I hate that. See, I’ve been blind in my left eye since birth, and I can’t see those 3-D effects.

Speaking of 3-D, there were a few commercials during the Super Bowl that used 3-D effects. You could pick up 3-D glasses at grocery stores beforehand, although since I have close relatives that work at Pepsico/Frito-Lay, I got some 3-D glasses from her. Of course, it didn’t matter since I can’t see 3-D. The commercials were for the So-Bee drink and that new Monsters vs. Aliens movie. Plus a TV show I’ve never heard of. I hope the 3-D glasses thing doesn’t become a popular trend because then I’ll be out of luck!

There were a LOT of car commercials but since I can’t drive either (another disadvantage of my blindness), I didn’t have much interest in them. Except I did like the car commercial that had Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head in it, where the Mrs. was being a back seat driver but then her mouth fell off! Of course, I forgot which car they were advertising, so I guess it wasn’t a very effective commercial after all! The oil commercial with the ‘grease monkeys’ was also funny, but it was gross when they kissed the guy on the mouth!

Of course there’s always lots of beer commercials. I like the animal ones with the horses. They had one where the Dalmatian was playing fetch, and then the horse played fetch and brought back a tree trunk! And the one where he fell in love with the circus horse and the other one where it was an immigrant ancestor horse were funny, too. The Bud Light commercials weren’t that funny, though. I didn’t like the one where they were at a business meeting and were drinking beer. That wouldn’t fly where I work!

Since I do have a close relative who works at Pepsico/Frito, I do pay attention to those commercials, too. I liked the Pepsi commercial that was a montage of different eras, but only because it had the Blues Brothers in it. One of my favorites was the Doritos commercial with the magic snow globe that he throws at the vending machine to get free Doritos! I didn’t like the other Doritos commercial as much where he ate a chip and the women’s clothes came off and money came out of the ATM. The Cheetos commercial was funny where that one lady was being so annoying on the phone, so the other lady threw some Cheetos near her so pigeons would attack her!

I guess Coke got to advertise in the second half. I liked their one commercial that was a parody of that 70’s Coke Super Bowl ad that’s so famous I don’t even have to describe it! The Pedigree commercial with the weird pets was funny, too. I wish I had a rhino as a pet! (well, not really) Denny’s had some funny breakfast ads. I saw one where some mobsters were making plans at a breakfast restaurant, but they kept getting interrupted by the waitress spraying whipped cream to make happy face pancakes! had a funny commercial where a guy was sitting in a big office with a moose head trophy over his desk, and on the other side of the wall was a guy sitting at a computer under the rest of the moose! At least that was better than the repetitive and annoying commercial. People pay millions of dollars for that? Finally, I liked the commercial. Guess it’s a Website where you can watch TV shows. They had a guy saying TV will turn your brain to mush and they were aliens that would eat your brain! Funny stuff.

And that’s all the commercials I can remember. I like how all the other TV networks just kind of give up and put up any weird thing, knowing that nobody will watch it with the Super Bowl on. My favorite is what Animal Planet does. For five years now they’ve had the Puppy Bowl. It’s the lowest budget show ever. All they do is make a football themed playfield, throw a few puppies in, and film them romping around! It’s so stupid, it’s great! I like the kitty halftime show! That’s what I watched instead of the real halftime show.

And that’s all I have to say about that. What were YOUR favorite Super Bowl commercials?

Hey, before I go, I was wondering if you guys and gals can do me a favor. I found out that my grandmother is in the hospital. She’s been having trouble breathing for the past two weeks, and she’s gotten steadily worse, and they’re going to do a serious heart test on her Tuesday. If it goes well, they’ll put her in a rehab nursing home for a month to help get her stamina back so she can go home, hopefully. Anyway, I’m really worried about her, so if you folks can keep her in your thoughts and prayers, I’d really appreciate it. Thanks.

7 Responses to “Super Bowl Commercials Poppin’ In Der Face…In 3-D!”

  1. My younger son is like that – he took care of stuff during the game and was transfixed during the commercials!

    It was a good game, there are many Steelers fans since we’re only ~5 hours from Pittsburgh.

    I personally loved the Careerbuilder commercial, as it had a sort of alliteration effect for me. Plus it is very timely …

  2. Wonderful game! Which was a surprise given that both teams look unimpressive on paper.

    Unlike Cary, I loathe commercials, so we watch the Superbowl – and all football – with a DVR time delay. It’s also what’s great about Hulu. HD shows, streaming, with like 2 1minute commercials. Nice!

    Our thoughts are with your grandma Cary, remember if you have any medical questions, GamerMom is an expert on caring for old people. She can spot a drug interaction problem from a mile away (many doctors can’t).

  3. Mike: Yeah, during parts of the Super Bowl, I was halfway watching it while playing Starfy on my DS. I could not stand that commercial. I tell you what, though. I hate my job a lot of times, but I feel so lucky that I even have a job in this day & age.

    GD: I guess we’ll never be able to watch the Super Bowl together, then! I love commercials. People on the Internet say I’m insane. I’m sure my grandmother is being taken well care of. I hope Linda is healing OK, too. Hey, I’ll probably be e-mailing you about stuff in the next day or so, so watch your inbox! –Cary

  4. Land of the Lost – year, that was terrible, but it is one of those things with warm memories from my childhood. We watched a few scenes on YouTube recently just to show the kids … it is amazingly bad stuff … might have to grab it on Netflix …

  5.,23296/ As if on cue Film Critic Noel Murray is also concerned about 3D. Must read for Cary!

  6. Mmmmmmmm, mushy mush! well, transformers 2 looks awesome, and dragon ball looks like a comedy.

  7. just go see my bloody valentine 3d. crazy 3d

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