RPGWatch: The Whole Game in My Hand #12 (Part 1)
Late in 2005 some friends at RPGDot came to me with the idea to do summary articles on the state on RPG gaming on the major handhelds. The release of the DS and particularly the PSP had intrigued many RPG fans who were not interested in consoles (wait, that sounds like me!), and so I put together three articles – one for the GBA, one for the DS and the last one for the PSP. The articles were very well received and when RPGWatch launched late in 2006, I was asked to update the state of handheld RPG’s once more. That is how ‘The Whole Game in My Hand’ was born.
Rather than separate articles, I decided to do periodic overviews of all three major platforms at once. I also chose to provide ‘reasonable-sized’ full reviews for each game released during the previous period – usually a couple of months, but now on a solid quarterly schedule. Finally, in each article I focus on a single game with a ‘feature review’. Today RPGWatch posted the latest article in the series – #12, which looks at all of the handheld RPG’s released in the US market from October through December. The article looks at thirteen games in total, but due to the amount of games this one only includes games for the Nintendo DS. You can read it all here. The next article will cover releases from the last three months of the year on the PSP and iPhone … and then in three months I’ll return to the ‘single article’ format.
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