Words of Wisdom

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  1. I wasn’t overly impressed with either person, though I think the burden is on Grossman to show some kind of proof that there is a causal relationship between real world violence and gaming. I just don’t think they have done that, though.

    Whitta did an ok job, though it irks me to no end when people point out that they have played games for X number of years and they are just fine. The plural of anecdote is not data and you just can’t generalize to a large population from one sample. I haven’t seen Grossman all that much lately. I read his book, “On Killing” back in the mid 1990’s and thought it was pretty good. It wasn’t long after that he made the move to anti-gaming “expert”. He seems to have moved on from that to media consultant and security expert. I kind of get the feeling he is just trying to make money off of the latest trend. Not that there is anything wrong with making money, but he just rubs me the wrong way.

    Additionally, there was some issue with how he interpreted some data in one of his books. He didn’t falsify it, but there were some issues with credibility. I don’t recall the details, but it was enough for me to be skeptical of his assertions.

  2. I really just put it up for three reasons.
    1. April Fool!
    2. It really shows how out of touch the media used to be – okay, still is – but remember, that was 1999 and they were showing Doom. They were 6 years behind. I didn’t read ON KILLING but I have read STOP TEACHING OUR KIDS TO KILL and I’ve heard there’s a mountain of MIlitary Psychologists who disagree with his every theory.
    3. 1999 was when my career really just started.

  3. I figured it was either that or sarcasm. The media does a crappy job all around. Just look at the financial crisis. I have found that Jon Stewart, Rolling Stone, and Cracked.com have done a better job covering the bailout plan than any of the dopes in the MSM.

  4. Fear mongering bullsh*t!

    The worst thing about watching this is that it shows how little we’ve progressed over the last decade.

  5. Notice the use of British #1 hit “19” by Paul Hardcastle. If you ask me, that wasn’t a very good use of his song!

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