Spellagis (PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, X/S, PC)

When a game becomes popular, you’ll usually find many imitators following it.  Such is the case with Vampire Survivor.  I’ve never played the game myself, but I’ve reviewed a few games that copy its formula.  And now there’s Spellagis, another game trying to ride the coattails of Vampire Survivor’s popularity.  Play as a mage and zap waves of enemies with magic in this simple top down viewed action game.  It’s available on all current consoles and PC, but reviewed on PS4 here.

When you start, you’ll choose a level.  Each level has waves of enemies to defeat, and you’ll move onto the next wave when you dispatch a certain number of them.  After you choose a level, you’ll pick a mage.  Each mage has different attributes, and you’ll unlock more as you play.  Controls are very simple, just use the control stick to move your character.  Your mage will automatically fire projectiles at enemies.  If they touch you, you’ll lose a bit of life.  Lose all your life and it’s Game Over.

Defeated enemies drop coins and you’ll want to collect as many as you can because at the end of each wave, you can buy random upgrades for your mage.  Some just increase stats, like attack power, range, speed, etc.  But some will give you new attacks that can help you out.  The one that shoots out projectiles in six directions is especially helpful, for instance.  You’ll want to get as many upgrades as you can for the later, harder waves.  When you are not in a level, you can buy permanent upgrades for your mages using diamonds you’ve earned by playing (not sure how you earn them, though).

I’m still not sold on this style of game, as I ultimately found it too repetitive.  But I’d have to say this is one of the better Vampire Survivor imitators I’ve reviewed.  I liked the 8-bit visuals and music and you can really tell a difference in your upgrades.  I think it would’ve been cool to have a two player mode, though.

Kid Factor:

Spellagis is rated E for Everyone with an ESRB descriptor of Mild Fantasy Violence.  You fire magic projectiles at pixel monsters that disappear when defeated.  Reading skill is helpful for the text, but not necessary just to play.

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