Press Start 4/29/10

The boy has suddenly switched from New Super Mario Bros Wii to Mario Tennis Wii, which is a welcome change and adorable because he’s 7 and still seems to think that if he jumps, it makes his shot better. He’s good, so who am I to argue? Maggie just asked me how to get Sims to marry in Sims3 – I told her it involves lots of kissing and, being 10, she made a sour face.

No Responses to “Press Start 4/29/10”

  1. I can totally relate. I remember when I first bought my NES and my uncles and I were playing Super Mario Bro’s; every time they get to the final part of the stage where you have to jump on to the flagpole, they seem to move their whole arms (and body) from left to right as if the screen could differentiate their movements and they would end up higher on the flagpole. I didn’t know better and for the most part it seemed to work pretty well… Maybe that’s how the whole interactive Wii concept was developed =P To this day, I still have to restrain myself from doing the mini-arm-hop when I’m in the nostalgic game playing mood.

    You seem like a Nintendo aficionado, if you get a minute there’s an interesting article that we posted a little while ago with fun facts about the company.

    I’d love some feedback from you, and maybe it’s something worthwhile as a stats page to put on your site for your viewers. Thanks for the mental image, definitely brings back memories from childhood.


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