Wevenge of the Wed Wing
It’s just a hodgepodge blog this week, folks. Click to read more of my thoughts on Ys Seven, my second red ring, and PAX.
I enjoyed Ys Seven so much, I had to say a little more about it outside of my review. I was a late bloomer to the Ys series. Mainly because not very many of them made it to the US initially, and the ones that did, they were on consoles I didn’t own (like the TG-16). But when Atlus released the Ys Books 1 and 2 on DS last year, I got totally hooked on the simple action and classic quest adventure gameplay. I’m glad XSEED picked up the latest batch of Ys fun on the PSP. Now I’ll definitely be getting (and reviewing) Ys: The Oath of Felghana, and Ys Books 1 and 2 (even though I already beat it on the DS). I used to look to Atlus as my ‘go to’ game company for niche titles. But now XSEED has pretty much replaced them thanks to titles like Retro Game Challenge, Half-Minute Hero, and their recent deals with Falcom on the Ys games.
It’s hard for me to pin down what it is about Ys Seven that I really like. It reminds me of a fast-action Secret of Mana, as you have three characters in your party and the computer controls the other two (very well, actually). Even though I got a review download code from XSEED, I bought the Limited Edition version of it anyway. I wanted a UMD copy of the game, and it also comes with a soundtrack, artbook, and cloth map. Since I liked the characters, music, and world of Ys Seven, I was glad I splurged and got the Limited Edition.
One of the things I like about the world of Ys Seven is it reminds me of another one of my favorite games: Klonoa. You have your five kingdoms based on the four elements, plus a hidden moon kingdom, just like Klonoa. The characters in Ys Seven are also a lot of fun. One neat thing is that a couple of the major characters have physical disabilities, which is a trait you don’t see in too many video games. And they’re not in the game to be politically correct or to force emotions on you; it’s just how they are. One little girl is mute, and another lady is blind. Since I’m blind in one eye myself, I thought that was kind of neat. The blind lady in the game is a playable character, but she uses the magic power of wind to help her see so she can fight just like the others on the team. I think her name is Wishera or something, and she’s my favorite character in Ys Seven. Plus she’s purdy and has neat blue-green braided hair and isn’t some annoying teenage girl. So if I ever have a pop quiz and ask you who my favorite Ys Seven character is, you have no excuse not to know.
So yeah, Ys Seven is a great PSP game and I highly recommend it. It has a lot of classic gaming sensibilities and plenty of fun to be had. XSEED rocks!
Wevenge of the Wed Wing
Bad news, folks. It happened again. The first time my Xbox 360 got the red ring was a year after I had bought it. It was right about the time that Soul Calibur 4 was going to be released. I was watching a preview video of SC4 and it froze on me. It worked for a short while after before giving up the ghost. But this second time was more sudden. It had worked fine that morning, but when I came back from work that evening, I got the three flashing red lights with no warning whatsoever. Last time I called customer service to get a repair ticket. This time I did everything online, which was MUCH easier.
While I am pretty upset about it happening a second time, I’m not going to curse out Microsoft or sell all my Xbox games or anything. I’m not going to cut off my nose to spite my face and I have bigger hills to die on. Stupid idioms aside, it’s really just an inconvenient hassle, mostly. Luckily my three year warranty hasn’t expired yet. But you know what I think Microsoft should do? I think they should give free lifetime warranties to anyone who has had the red ring problem. Is that too much to ask? ABSOLUTLEY NOT! I work in customer service during the day (Yes folks, I do have another job besides reviewing games. Game Journalism doesn’t pay the bills, so if that’s what you’re aspiring to be, I suggest finding another line of work). Anyway, at my day job, we bend over backwards if our customers aren’t satisfied with our products, so it really annoys me when I’m the customer and don’t get the same treatment.
At least my second red ring couldn’t have come at a better time. The only thing I was using my 360 for currently was playing LEGO Harry Potter and watching X-Files on Netflix, and that can wait. I’ve got plenty of other games to play while it’s being repaired, like Ys Seven and the upcoming Metroid: Other M (YOU HAD BETTER NOT CONK OUT ON ME, TOO, WII). And since there’s a repair center near where I live, hopefully they’ll have it returned to me quickly like last time.
Anyway, to vent out my frustrations, I thought I’d write a little bit on why I’m very dissatisfied with this generation of video game consoles. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still a lot of amazing things about today’s game systems. It astounds me how we can download and play games online and see what others are playing, which was pretty much unheard of before. So I don’t want to sound like a pessimist. But I have some big problems with the main three consoles.
This was the first of the new generation of consoles I got. Of course, the big new thing was motion control, but very few games have utilized it well. Most other motion controlled Wii games are too fiddly and gimmicky. The appeal of motion control left me after about the first year, and honestly, if a game offers Classic Controller support, I’ll opt for that instead. And due to the popularity of the Wii, the other major consoles are getting motion controls, too. Honestly, I could care less about Kinect and Move. I also think it’s safe to say the Wii hasn’t used the Virtual Console to its fullest potential, and they totally dropped the ball with WiiWare. While I haven’t downloaded many of them, the games on Xbox LIVE and PSN are far more interesting. The Wii is just an overblown GameCube, and after all this time, I still think the name “Wii” sounds dumb.
Obviously the problem with the 360 is hardware quality control. EVERYONE I know with a 360 has had a red ring happen to them, and MOST of those it’s happened multiple times. But the other problem I have with the 360 runs rampant in all the consoles: a lack of creativity in games. Where are the Okamis and Psychonauts and Katamari Damacys of this generation? Nowhere. Instead we get countless Halos and Call of Duties.
I guess it’s a little unfair for me to rag on the PS3 since I’ve only had it for a few months. But that’s part of the problem as the PS3 was way too expensive for the longest time. And really, the only reason why I got a PS3 was to have a Blu-Ray player in the room where we got a new HDTV. I hear the PS3 has a similar red ring problem like the 360, I figure it hasn’t happened to me yet since I haven’t had it as long. And while the free online stuff is nice, it’s still harder to use for me. I guess the main problem I have with the PS3 is lack of interest, which is a shame since during the PSOne and PS2 days, Sony was tops.
Luckily the new handheld game systems fail to disappoint. There are countless good games on the DS, and even a good handful of halfway decent downloadable DSiWare titles. And while the PSP isn’t as good as the DS, it’s really the only handheld that has been able to truly compete with Nintendo’s portables. It may not have as many good games, but the PSP can do a lot of things the DS can’t.
But yeah, this generation’s consoles pretty much sucks. Where’s my Super Nintendo?
PAX 10
Well enough of that. I just wanted to conclude by letting you all know that this’ll be my last blog for another week and a half or more. I might be able to post another review before I got (probably the last Sam & Max episode), but next weekend is PAX and I’ll be attending it. But don’t worry; I’ll have plenty to say about it when I get back. If you’re going to PAX, too, let me know and maybe we can see each other there! I kind of doubt it, though. I have so many meetings to attend this year, I’ll be running around like a chicken with its head cut off! I have some pretty big name meetings this year, like with Sega and Square Enix. As well as meetings with smaller, personal favorite companies of mine like TellTale Games and Twisted Pixel. Anyway, please pray for me to have a safe and fruitful trip there and back, and if there’s anything you want me to look out for, let me know!
And finally, I just want to thank you all for reading my reviews and blogs and commenting on them. That really makes me feel happy. Later! –Cary
August 28th, 2010 at 10:41 am
You’re lucky with your taste in games, Cary. If my 360 died now with Reach so close I’d be seriously pissed. It’s already gone twice, about 10 months after I got it and then another 10 months after that, but now it’s been over a year with no major problems (a bit of disc tray trouble is all), so I’m hopeful it’ll last this time.
On another note, I’d disagree that there’s a lack of creativity in games nowadays. Sure, Halo and CoD get all the attention, but that’s just because they’re the big popular franchises, and the smaller, more “different” games don’t get as much press or as many sales. Okami and Psychonauts weren’t exactly popular or profitable hits either, were they? Although it’s not as out-there as the examples you gave, I’d recommend Mirror’s Edge as one of my favorite and one of the more creatively interesting games of this gen. And what about Portal? Or even Bioshock? Bioshock is a great example of how to do something interesting and creative within a genre that tends to promote bland “me-too” clones, and it managed to be commercially successful as well.
And of course the downloadable space is increasingly becoming a destination for games with more personality, games that are willing to take creative risks where big franchises won’t. Like Twisted Pixel’s games!
August 28th, 2010 at 3:44 pm
Hey Cary, nice article!
I’m so sorry about your Xbox…
I also disagree that the current crop of games is lacking innovation – but I’m also a bit hard pressed to think of much for consoles … so maybe you’re right. Innovation, however, is rampant in apps for the iPhone, Droid, etc., My iPad is far more fun than my PSP and DS in terms of weird or odd gaming. But then again Cary, you don’t have a phone like that, I wouldn’t expect you to write about that.
I’m glad you’re going to Pax though, I miss it terribly. It really is a fun convention.
August 30th, 2010 at 11:27 am
I got my first Red Ring back in February, the day we got 2 feet of snow and were stuck in the house for a week. Man, I was mad. I’ve had it back for 6 months so far without problem. I think they’ve done a pretty good job addressing a serious mistake on their part – don’t you get a 3 year warranty from teh time it’s returned to you now? Lifetime would be impossible. Could you imagine them trying to handle warranties on 360s 40 years from now? I read an article a few years ago about a company trying to do a display at a show with old Intellivision consoles, and they had serious problems finding ones that still worked. Of the 3 they did find, one died at the show.
As for innovation? I think you’re right on that. There’s a major trend in every single game adopting aspects of FPS games like Call of Duty. I’m specifically thinking of Fallout 3… I mean, come ON. It was a great game, but were we REALLY lacking in FPS games? Bioshock had a great plot, innovative powerup system, and all that, but again, it was a FPS, and I’m sick of them. I’m waiting for the day when Madden goes FPS – you see everything from the viewpoint of the quarterback or the running back or whatever.
September 10th, 2010 at 6:04 am
I haven’t yet run into the RROD problem since I only bought my Xbox 360 Slim a month ago and I don’t do a lot of heavy gaming on it. But it does seem like the Xbox 360 game library is too heavily slanted toward FPS games and adult-level games, which would probably satisfy the long-term hard-core gamers who want adult-level games, but it leaves everyone else sucking wind. On the other hand, since I also own a Wii, I don’t think that every single game released for the Wii has to have the Wii Remote as its main controller.